“Kyiv sure? The Russians can attack us at any time, I tell the Ukrainians outside the country to wait a little longer before coming back, there are still explosions north of the city and civilians are dying every day from unexploded mines. So the mayor of Kyiv, Vitaly Klitschkoin conversation with A clean hit on Ba7.
The former boxer says he’s “personally a Bucha“I saw with my own eyes the killed civilians and the cars with children written on them. Civilians tell of unprecedented violence, isn’t that genocide?” “Russia is now telling us to accept a Compromise, but what are we talking about? – he continues – To leave our country in their hands? “. The Russians, according to Klitschko, “want to restore not the Donbass, but the Soviet Union”. “Everyone concession to Putin it is a danger for everyone, including you,” warns the mayor of Kyiv. And on the fear of remaining in Ukraine, the former boxer summarizes: “Nobody likes the idea of dying. Most Ukrainians think “it’s better to die than live on your knees”.
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Covid, Russian Mission in Italy. Conte to La7: “Infamy to say that I did not pursue the national interest. No spy elements have surfaced”