Russia Ukraine War White House Urges Congress Funds Will Run

Russia Ukraine War, White House Urges Congress: Funds Will Run Out by End of Year. Scholz, Moscow h…

Russia: Putin complains about deteriorating relations with the West

Vladimir Putin has lamented the deterioration of diplomatic relations between Moscow and the West following Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the introduction of sanctions against Moscow. At the ceremonial presentation of the credentials of the recently appointed foreign ambassadors, he welcomed, among others, the new representatives of Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Greece and Slovenia. In his address to the Swedish representative, Vladimir Putin complained about the “complete lack of political contacts” and the restrictions on “economic cooperation” and “cultural and humanitarian relations” between Russia and Sweden. The Russian leader also expressed concern that Stockholm is abandoning its 200-year-old “policy of non-participation in military blocs”, despite Sweden’s desire to join NATO following the conflict in Ukraine. Together with the German ambassador, he praised the “pragmatic cooperation” with Berlin and regretted that the explosion of the NordStream gas pipelines in 2022 had “compromised” Germany’s supply of Russian gas. “For decades, our country has been supplying Germany with stable and uninterrupted supplies of environmentally friendly gas, oil and other energy products at affordable prices.” “This cooperation was literally undermined, in particular by an act of sabotage on the Nord Stream gas pipelines,” he said. Vladimir Putin, who received the new British ambassador despite London being one of Kiev’s most active supporters against Moscow, limited himself to saying that the status of the dialogue between Russia and the United Kingdom was “known to everyone.” “We hope that the situation will develop for the better in the interests of our two countries and our peoples,” he commented. With the new ambassador of Slovenia, the Russian president noted that the bilateral dialogue between Moscow and Ljubljana had been “interrupted” and assured that Russia was “ready” to resume it if the Slovenian side so wishes. Addressing Greece’s new ambassador, Putin said he was “concerned” about the state of bilateral relations but hoped that “traditional relations” between Athens and Moscow would help “revitalize” their partnership