Russian Ambassador Navalnys death had no impact on politics it

Russian Ambassador: “Navalny’s death had no impact on politics, it was created to demonize Russia”

The war between Russia and Ukraine 2 years of tragedy and desolation as a new consequence of Horror in Europe There is no end to the conflict in sight. The Russian ambassador to Peru, Igor Romanchenko, referred to the 10 years in this regard Euromaidana peaceful solution for the Ukrainian war and the death of opposition activist Alexei Navalni.

“The Ukraine Today it is just a tool in the hands of USA and his allies NATO“, says Romanchenko and at the same time assures: “Russia has never refused to seek a political and diplomatic solution.”

Russian Ambassador Navalnys death had no impact on politics itThe war between Russia and Ukraine began on February 24, 2022 and is the largest escalation of the war that began after Euromaidan in 2014. Photo: AFP

“The unconstitutional coup took place in Ukraine on February 22, 2014”

Ten years after the conflict, what impact did the conflict known as Euromaidan have on the war between Ukraine and Russia, and what is the current position of Vladimir Putin's government?

—On February 22, 2014, exactly ten years ago, the unconstitutional coup took place in Ukraine. This dramatic event later led to an armed civil war; In fact, it is a war that the Kiev regime is waging against its own people and in the international and European security crisis. Euromaidan caused a deep division in society, repression and the fight against dissidents, nationalism and Neo-Nazism rampant unrest, legal chaos and nihilism, the fight against the Russian language and history and the complete deterioration of the country's socio-economic situation.

The population of Crimea, which refused to recognize the dictatorship of the coup plotters, voted in a referendum to leave the Ukrainian peninsula and then voluntarily joined Russia. But against the people of Donbass Kiev regime It sparked a large-scale war that left 14,000 people dead and killed or maimed more than 500 children. In addition, an inhumane economic and transport blockade was imposed, pushing the region to the brink of survival. In the middle of climbing Military in Donbass Through the armed forces of Kiev, Russia was forced to take decisive measures to protect the population of this region, in response to the request of these republics and in accordance with Article 51 of Part 7 of the UN Charter, which establishes the right to individual and collective self -defense, we were forced to launch a special military operation.

1708975110 643 Russian Ambassador Navalnys death had no impact on politics it“His (Navalni) approval among the Russian population reached just 9%, while Vladimir Putin’s is at 78.5%,” the ambassador said. Photo: @RusEmbPeru/X

Today's Ukraine is just a tool in the hands of USA and its NATO allies, whose long-term goal is to destroy the security system in the post-Soviet space and Eurasia in general, impose a “rules-based world order” on the world, eliminate those who disagree and consolidate their dominance of the markets for military technology, fuels and agricultural products.

Given rising global tensions, how does President Vladimir Putin feel about international security and Russia's defense?

“We observe with concern the deterioration in international security caused by the restraint west to abandon their dominant positions and accept the objective process of forming a multipolar world order based on self-sufficient countries and regions. At the initiative of the West, the basic pillars of international communication are being undermined. Universal legal norms, principles of UN CharterThese include the sovereign equality of states, non-interference in internal affairs and the self-determination of peoples. Diplomacy as a means of resolving disagreements through negotiations is sacrificed to violent battles, proxy wars, total confrontation and the determination to inflict strategic defeat on the enemy.

Russia's official position on defense is reflected in the 2013 foreign policy concept, which provides that its armed forces can be used in accordance with generally accepted principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and legislation. The use of the Armed Forces may be directed, among other things, at the performance of tasks to deter and prevent an armed attack against Russia and/or its allies, resolve crises and maintain (restore) peace in accordance with a decision of the Supreme Court UN Security Councilother collective security structures in which Russia participates in its area of ​​responsibility protect its citizens abroad and combat international terrorism and piracy.

1708975113 890 Russian Ambassador Navalnys death had no impact on politics it“Today’s Ukraine is just a tool in the hands of the United States and its NATO allies,” Romanchenko said. Photo: AFP

“The death of Alexei Navalny did not and could not have any influence on Russia’s domestic politics”

What is the official position of the Russian government on the death of opponent Alexei Navalny and how does it respond to international allegations of alleged murder?

—What position might a government take if a citizen of its country dies? In such cases, an examination is carried out, the results of which provide information about the cause of death. Regarding the death of Alexei Navalny, such an investigation is currently underway, but there are no results yet, so it is premature to draw conclusions. The unfounded statements made by Western representatives on this issue violate all ethical norms and politicize such a tragic event as the death of a human being.

—What impact does Navalni's death have on Russian domestic politics and international perception?

—The death of Alexei Navalny did not and could not have an impact on Russia's domestic politics. The idea that he is supposedly Vladimir Putin's “main rival” is very popular among Western politicians and media, and it is clear why. His approval among the Russian population reached just 9%, while that of Wladimir Putin is 78.5%. He was also not a leader of the opposition, as it is extremely divided and even the majority of Russians did not perceive him as a politician but as a blogger.

Why is approval so low? Apparently, it is clear to all thinking citizens that someone who receives funds from abroad without even hiding it can hardly be called a patriot who cares about the fate of his country. The great excitement surrounding this figure was artificially created by the Western media, at the suggestion of its sponsors, who pursue a deliberate policy of demonizing Russia. The West's immediate reaction is no coincidence: nor are the charges quickly fabricated against Russia in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons following the alleged poisoning of Alexei Navalny Neither his transfer to the best clinic in Germany nor the sanctions imposed immediately before the conclusion of the investigation (as after his death) nor the prompt appointment of his opposition members and political heirs, who had previously been operating in the shadows, to a professionally organized support campaign in the media sector.

1708975117 15 Russian Ambassador Navalnys death had no impact on politics itUS President Joe Biden blamed Vladimir Putin for Navalny's death. Photo: AFP

“A sustainable and just solution is only possible if the Kiev regime stops hostilities and terrorist attacks.”

With regard to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, what is the current position on a peaceful solution and what steps do you think are necessary to achieve this?

Russia has never refused to seek a political and diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, as we have repeatedly stated. At the same time, it is obvious that it is unlikely that serious agreements can be reached with the current Kiev regime and its patrons in the West. The self-ban formalized by the Law on Negotiations with Russian Leaders issued by Vladimir Zelensky on September 30, 2022 remains in effect.

A sustainable and just solution is possible only if the Kiev regime stops hostilities and terrorist attacks and its Western sponsors stop supplying weapons to the Ukrainian armed forces. The original foundations of Ukraine's sovereignty must be guaranteed: its neutral, non-aligned and nuclear weapons-free status; recognize the new territorial realities that have arisen as a result of the exercise by the residents of the new Russian regions of the right to self-determination enshrined in the United Nations Charter; through the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, safeguard the rights of its Russian-speaking citizens and its national minorities. The implementation of these elements is fully consistent with the international peace and security for which Russia is fighting.

1708975121 608 Russian Ambassador Navalnys death had no impact on politics itRomanchenko suggests that Kiev stop “hostilities and terrorist attacks” as a “sustainable and fair solution.” Photo: AFP

What impact do the international sanctions against Russia due to the conflict with Ukraine have on the Russian economy and its population?

– In the hybrid war that Western countries have unleashed against Russia, illegal unilateral restrictive measures play a special role, the unprecedented number of which has already exceeded 17,000. The goals are not hidden: to undermine the Russian economy and force political leaders to abandon their independent line in foreign policy in order to incite the population against the authorities. To achieve its goals, the West is willing to turn a blind eye even to the legal norms that formed the basis of Western civilization – the right to private property.
However, these policies only proved destructive for those who initiated them. Our economy has adapted to the sanctions. GDP growth in Russia exceeded 3% in 2023.

It is obvious that the real goal of imposing illegal sanctions against Russia is to expand the position of the United States in the global food, oil and gas, and arms markets. And above all, the restrictions harmed our European partners. After the start of the special military operation, the USA tried to blame Russia for triggering the global energy crisis and food security.

“Russia and Peru, countries with a thousand-year history, combine good traditions of friendship and cooperation”

In the current context of global tensions, how does Russia plan to strengthen its relations with Latin America, especially Peru?

“We believe that the current geopolitical turmoil should not be an obstacle to combining international efforts to effectively counter the numerous common threats to all humanity and to develop mutually beneficial bilateral relations.” Russia is open to diplomatic interaction, which based on mutual respect and equality with all states, as long as each individual country is open. Our friendship is “for” and not “against” someone. Our friendly relations with Peru They are based on the same principles. This year we celebrate the 55th anniversary of bilateral relations at the embassy level.

1708975124 504 Russian Ambassador Navalnys death had no impact on politics itThe letters of the USSR Ambassador N. Alexeev and the Peruvian Foreign Minister Edgardo Mercado Jarrín, which marked the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1969. Photo: @RusEmbPeru/X

Cooperation in the field of education continues to develop very successfully: more than 10,000 young Peruvians have studied in the USSR and Russia, and the Russian government now awards 70 scholarships to Peruvians every year. Academic exchange and inter-university connections are strengthened.
Russia and Peru, countries with a thousand-year history, combine good traditions of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as feelings of sympathy and solidarity between our peoples that have stood the test of time. This is the constructive basis on which we are ready to further develop diverse cooperation across the entire spectrum of bilateral relations with Peru.

1708975127 854 Russian Ambassador Navalnys death had no impact on politics itThe 55th anniversary of relations between Russia and Peru was recently celebrated. Photo: @RusEmbPeru/X