Russian Duma ratifies annexation of Ukrainian territories

Russian Duma ratifies annexation of Ukrainian territories

After the annexation of the four Ukrainian regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Kherson by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Russian parliament has now ratified the incorporation, which has been criticized as a violation of international law. More than 400 deputies unanimously voted on Monday for the regions to be included in the Russian Federation. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the regions are now under special protection by the country.

On Friday, Kremlin chief Putin signed internationally unrecognized membership agreements with the occupiers seconded by Moscow. The Duma had yet to approve it. Subsequent approval by the Federation Council is considered a formality.

The annexation, which violates international law, will only be completed with the adoption of numerous laws for the integration of the areas, which are also scheduled for Monday, including the automatic granting of Russian citizenship. The Federation Council must also pass these laws. So Putin has yet to sign the incorporation laws. A transition period is planned until 2026 until the laws are fully implemented.