Russian hackers announce world war and attack in Italy state

Russian hackers announce “world war” and attack (in Italy) state police site. What is n

The fighting in Ukraine continues, but also on the IT front, the war between Russia and the West is going on by any means necessary. Today, May 16, just days after attacking the Senate and Defense site, the Russian hacking network Killnet launched a new strike against the Italian State Police site.


The attack was also claimed via Twitter and Telegram with a propaganda video in which the IT collective “declares war” on 10 hostile countries of Russia: USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Ukraine.

The attack on the state police

The attack on the state police compound began yesterday evening, but did not cause any damage to the infrastructure and was limited saturate the connections and caused a slowdown.

The hacking collective denied attempting to attack Eurovision, while Italian police had claimed in recent days that there had been attacks on the festival network, which had been thwarted. On Killnet Telegram He wrote: “According to foreign media, Killnet attacked Eurovision and was blocked by Italian police. But Killnet didn’t attack Eurovision. However, today we officially declare war on 10 countries, including the deceptive Italian police. By the way, your page isn’t working anymore: why wasn’t the attack treated like Eurovision?

The emergency was handled by police technicians, assisted by specialists from the Postal Police’s National Anti-Crime Center for Critical Infrastructure Protection (Cnaipc), to gradually restore full functionality of the site.

The expert “We are at war, EU and NATO must be coordinated”

That hacker attacks suffered by various institutional sites in the last few days, bring the issue of cybersecurity back to the fore. Ranieri Razzante, cybersecurity adviser to the Undersecretary of Defense, cited the need for “urgent coordination EU and NATO levelnot only in operational but also in regulatory terms “. “If it is true that we know the perpetrators of the attacks, we must be able to punish them as necessary for each crime,” said the expert, who affirms: “It’s not alarmism, but we’re talking about potential pitfalls for the entire Italian system, as well as for Europe and for the whole world. When it comes to hitting the locations of the institutions, the maximum level of threat has been reached, especially geopolitical and geoterrorist View “.

Cyberwar can be a “distraction” for espionage

Likewise Pierluigi Paganiniexpert in Cyber ​​Security and Intelligence he stressed that the attacks suffered so far did not appear sophisticated. However, he again points out the possible risks of a large-scale hacking attack: “For example, a DDoS attack on a financial system could block booking operations with obvious impact on citizens, as could an attack on financial institutions and media.” The expert also warns that these types of operations “by state actors such as diversionary tacticsduring the conduct or preparation of espionage operations or sabotage“.