Russian ICBM test failed while Biden was in Ukraine report

Russian ICBM test failed while Biden was in Ukraine: report


February 21, 2023 | 10:33 p.m

Russia tested an ICBM on Monday while President Biden was in Ukraine, which a report says appears to have failed.

US officials told CNN on Tuesday that Russia, through a conflict resolution pipeline, informed the US in advance about the missile test, which reportedly posed no risk to the country.

According to the officials, the US did not consider the test an anomaly or an escalation.

The test involved a nuclear-capable heavy SARMAT missile, dubbed the Satan II by NATO and classified as a “superweapon” by the head of Russia’s Aerospace Research Agency.

US officials believe the test failed because Russian President Vladimir Putin failed to mention it in Tuesday’s State of the Union address.

According to US officials, Putin’s ICMB test launch was not seen as an anomaly or an escalation.AP

During his address, Putin announced that Russia would suspend its participation in the New START nuclear arms reduction treaty with the United States.

U.S. officials told the Kremlin on Sunday through the conflict resolution line that Biden, 80, would travel to the Ukrainian capital ahead of the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of the former Soviet state, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Monday.

President Biden traveled to Ukraine by train from Poland on President’s Day and met with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.via Portal

The reported test launch of the missile, which is said to carry up to 15 nuclear warheads and hypersonic munitions, is Putin’s latest attempt at saber-rattling against the US.

Last week, the North American Aerospace Defense Command said the US military intercepted eight Russian warplanes near Alaska in two separate incidents.

The ICMB, reportedly test-launched by Russia on Monday, is nicknamed “Satan II”.TV Zvezda/e2w

The first group of four Russian aircraft — including a Tupolev TU-95 BEAR-H strategic bomber and SU-30 and SU-35 fighter jets — closed in on the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone on Feb 13, followed by a second quartet a day later, according to NORAD.

In both incidents, NORAD sent US fighter jets and support aircraft to intercept the Russian fighter jets.

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