Russian media features captured American soldiers

Russian media features captured American soldiers

Russian media showed two American soldiers who are fighting in the Ukrainian army and who were captured by troops loyal to Moscow. In an interview with the Kremlin-affiliated newspaper Izvestia, one of the men justified himself by believing in Western “propaganda” about the “bad Russians” and therefore went to war, which the newspaper showed yesterday on its Telegram channel. “We are not told in the Western media how incompetent and corrupt the Ukrainian army is,” he said.

The second prisoner appeared on the Kremlin’s RT channel. He sent only a greeting to his mother and spoke of the hope of being able to return home. According to Russian media, the two soldiers are from the US state of Alabama and would have been captured near Kharkiv.

It is unclear who captured them. This could be important for your future destiny. Troops of pro-Russian separatists from the self-proclaimed “People’s Republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk are also fighting on Russia’s side. They have already sentenced three foreigners from the ranks of the Ukrainian army – two British and one Moroccan – to death in a show trial. In Russia, on the other hand, the death penalty is suspended.