Russian units do not retreat

Russian units do not retreat

NATO sees no signs of relaxation in the Ukraine war. Instead, Donbass offensive and regrouping is expected.

2:20 pm, March 31, 2022


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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on Thursday.NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on Thursday. © APA/AFP/KENZO TRIBOUILLARD

NATO sees no signs of relaxation in the Ukraine war. “According to our intelligence information, Russian units are not retreating, but repositioning themselves.” said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Thursday in Brussels. Russia is trying to regroup its troops organize supplies and intensify the offensive in Donbass. At the same time, pressure on the capital Kiev and other cities will be maintained.

“We can expect more offensive actions that will bring even more suffering,” Stoltenberg said. Regarding the negotiations between the representatives of Ukraine and Russia, the Norwegian said that it was good to be talking. So far, however, no real change has been seen in Russia’s primary objective, a military success. That’s why you need to be prepared to continue supporting Ukraine.

Russia wanted to reduce hostilities

In the most recent negotiations with Ukraine, Russia promised significantly reduce its combat operations on the northern front near Kiev and Chernihiv. This is aimed at building trust, Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said Tuesday after the meeting in Istanbul. Immediately afterwards, doubts arose in the West about whether such promises were credible.

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