Russia Ukraine War Direct exchange of charges for mines at

RussiaUkraine war, direct UN: 6 million displaced. Moscow threatens Italy with sanctions. Russian media: “sugar queues”

March 19, 2022 21:35

Russia, Agency Ria Novosti: “Queues and sugar fights in the cities”

“The increasing demand for sugar in Russian cities ”and emerge Social Some videos show nudes in supermarkets and reallife scuffles to get the packages. The images are also jumping across some international media during agency Ria Novosti tweets that “the merchandise is wiped out before it even hits the shelves”, appendix a Video in which the employees of a supermarket distribute groceries and empty supplies.

В российских городах продолжается ажиотажный спрос на сахар. В соцсетях делятся кадрами из магазинов, где товар сметается, даже не доходя до полок. В некоторых местах работники стали выдавать сахар только в руки, чтобы избежать драк среди полепеку. А гдето выстроились очереди

РИА Новости (@rianru) March 19, 2022

March 19, 2022 21:06

Bombs on Kharkiv: “Even a child died”

Ukrainian media reports from bombing at Kharkiv, with dead and wounded. According to Ukrainska Prava, which cites eyewitnesses, the attack would have hit some residential building also cause fires. According to the Emergency Medical Center, a child is among the victims.

March 19, 2022 21:02

Turkey: “Let’s work together with PutinZelensky”

The Turkish government is working to organize a meeting between them Wladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy that can end the war. The commitment was reiterated by the spokesman of the Turkish Presidency, Ibrahim Kalin, in an interview with al Jazeera. “We keep the communication channels open with both parties,” he said, “it’s very important and we’re trying to organize an idirect contact between the Presidents of Russia and Ukraine”. Kalin reminded that “the parties had meetings at the technical level in Belarus, the first meeting at the ministerial level was held at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum. Today the main goal is to organize a meeting “between Putin and Zelenskyy”. According to the spokesman for the Turkish Council Presidency, there is a possibility of reaching a peace agreement: “Now the only question is when and how it will come about.” Zelenskyy, he concluded, “is ready for a meeting, but Putin believes that the positions are not close enough yet.”

March 19, 2022 8:41 p.m

“Citizens of Mariupol deported to Russia”

“Several thousand in the past week residents Of Mariupol were brought to the territory of Russia. The occupiers illegally brought people from the Livoberezhny district and from an airraid shelter in the building of a sports club, where more than a thousand people, mostly women and children, were hiding from the bombing. This was announced by the mayor of the city Donbassbesieged for days, Vadym Boichenko, after which the inhabitants were deported to “remote towns” of Russia, as the Nazis did during World War II”.

March 19, 2022 8:20 p.m

China: “Scandalous sanctions against Russia”

The sanctions against Russia “are becoming more and more scandalous”. He came back to say it there Chinaby the Deputy Foreign Minister Le Yuchengafter the Chinese President yesterday Xi Jinping he had condemned her in the video conference with US President Joe Biden. According to Li, Russian citizens are being deprived of their assets abroad “for no reason”. “History has repeatedly shown that sanctions cannot solve problems,” continued the Deputy Minister, recalling that “they only affect them ordinary peoplehave an impact on the economic and financial system and harm the global economy”.

March 19, 2022 7:26 p.m

Unhcr: “6.5 million displaced persons”

The people internally displaced in Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion are at least 6.5 million. It’s the data fromUnited Nations agency for Refugees (UNHCR), which indicates that about 3.3 million refugees have fled the country and a total of 12 million Ukrainians live in the areas hardest hit by the conflict. “Humanitarian needs are growing exponentially. Many people remain trapped in areas of rising conflict and are unable to meet their basic needs, including food, water and medicines, with the disruption to basic services,” the agency said.

March 19, 2022 6:58 p.m

Ukrainian media: Bridge guaranteeing Russian supplies to the south destroyed

“During the Secret Service special operation along with the Azov battalion, the railway bridge on the border, over which the Russian Federation transported ammunition and food to its soldiers, was blown up”. This was announced by the newspaper Mykolaiv Nikvesti with a video published on its Telegram channel.

March 19, 2022 6:55 p.m

Mariupol, the mayor: Fighting prevents rescue of people in the theater

Street fights in the center of Mariupol They prevent the rescue of hundreds of civilians trapped in the basement of the bombed theater on Wednesday. That’s what the mayor says Vadim Boychenko who told the BBC rescue teams can only help people get out of the rubble during lulls in fighting. “There are tanks … and artillery fire and all kinds of weapons being fired in the area,” he told the broadcaster. “Our forces are doing everything they can to hold their position in the city, but unfortunately the enemy’s forces are larger than ours.”

March 19, 2022 6:42 p.m

Kyiv: “The Russian warship is sinking”

“The minister’s increasingly desperate mantras Lavrov at neonazis in Ukraine and the repression of Russian speakers to justify Russia’s war against Ukraine mean only one thing: the Russian warship is sinking. His crew is trapped and there will be no happy ending for them.” So on Twitter Oleg NikolenkoSpokesman for the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

March 19, 2022 6:15 p.m

Draghi: hateful and unacceptable attacks on Guerini

“I express my full solidarity with the Secretary of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini, victim of attacks by the Russian government. The comparison between the invasion of Ukraine and the pandemic crisis in Italy is special hateful and unacceptable. The minister Guerini and the armed forces are on the front line to defend the security and freedom of Italians. The government and my employees owe you the heartfelt thanks.” This was announced by the Prime Minister Mario Draghi.