RussiaUkraine War Finlands Strategic Review White Paper Without NATO There

RussiaUkraine War, Finland’s Strategic Review White Paper: “Without NATO, There Can Be No Guarantee of Security”

“Without NATO membership, the Finland he does not enjoy any security guarantees, although he is a partner of the Alliance. It can be read White Paper on Country Security which shares 1340 kilometers on the border with Russia released today. Commissioned after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the report insists only members of the alliance benefit from the organization’s famous Article 5 collective defense umbrella. According to the White Paper, NATO membership would offer a “significantly greater deterrent to an attack on Finland.

The deterrent effect as a NATO member would be “significantly greater than it is now it says in the White Paper because it is based on it capacity of the whole for the alliance“. “Finland he adds would be ready for it Supporting other NATO members in a can Article 5 situation“, continues. From NATO’s point of view, Finland’s accession would “significantly increase its area, double the land border with Russia and bring the alliance closer to strategically important areas in Russia”. In addition, the report emphasizes how “close cooperation between Finland and Sweden would be important during the processes of possible accession”, since “simultaneous accession processes” of the two countries “could facilitate the preparation for the response and the effective response to a possible Russian accession reaction”. The Prime Minister of Helsinki Sanna Marin He said the decision on Finland’s entry into the Atlantic Alliance would be made “within a few weeks”. “Even in the case of NATO membership Finland it would maintain working relations with Russia‘ reads the document.

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