The rumor began circulating on Thursday, the reported big state Of Kyiv based on the reports of several report of the Ukrainian army: Russian soldiers would receive tips from their superiors that the war of the Russia in Ukraine must end until May 9th. A hypothesis that gained strength in the hours that followed was also reported by Sky News, especially after the words of the Russian general Sergey Rudskoy: Moscow will now focus its main war effort on “concluding liberation” of Donbass. A reduction of the goals of Vladimir Putinwhich would be functional, however, to reduce the times of military action. Ukrainian soldiers report “constant work propaganda in progress in the staff of the Russian Armed Forces, which refers to the date May 9th. The information is unverifiable, but it is certain that it would be for Putin and for all of Russia date icon.
In fact, on May 9th a to fly there is celebrationday of the victory‘ on the Nazi Germany During the Second World War. May 9th [1945[1945In fact, the then Soviet government announced the signing of the to give up from Berlin, which actually took place in the late evening of May 8th. The anniversary is the occasion for the dazzling military parade on Red Square (see photo gallery), during which Putin Over the years he has been able to display his energy and the Russian military. In 2005, on the 50th anniversary of the Nazis’ surrender, the President of the United States showed up in Moscow George W Bushthe UN Secretary General Kofi Annanand the then Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconialong with other heads of state and government, including the German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder.
It would be nice if Putin could celebrate a victory (actual or supposed) on Red Square on May 9th the occasion ideal. The Russian President has shown in this first month of conflict that he cares deeply symbols and at anniversaries. He gave the first speech to the nation after the invasion March 18thduring celebrations of the eighth anniversary of the annexation of Crimea. Putin wanted to quote from this speech Fyodor Ushakovlegendary admiral of the Tsarist era and Patron saint of the Russian nuclear bomber fleetwho was born on February 24thor see same day when Moscow invaded Ukraine. Without forgetting that the slang and the Tell stories Even before the conflict began, the Putins repeatedly referred to National Socialism and the will to “denazify“Ukraine and Donbass.
However, arriving on May 9 without having one for the same reasons concrete result Being able to claim risks turning into a blow to him credibility. If troops are still deployed, the Red Square parade could become one boomerang. While Putin dreams of repeating the “triumph of patriotism” he experienced on May 9, 2014, a few weeks after the annexation of Crimea.
“The date of May 9th as the end of the war is one hypothesis circulatesbut I don’t want it to be just one wishful thinking of the soldiers, now apparently tiredboth physically and psychologicallyboth in their conscience, the general warns Leonardo Tricarico, former Air Force Chief of Staff, now President of the Icsa Foundation, in a speech to Adnkronos. Tricarico therefore urges caution: “Of course we can only agree wishperhaps with a date even closer than May 9, which is still a long way off.