RussiaUkraine War Poll Only 23 Support Increase in Military Spending

RussiaUkraine War Poll: Only 23% Support Increase in Military Spending More than every second Italian is against it

More than every second Italian is against the increase military spending. At least according to a survey emg to the White paper on Raitre. When asked “Are you in favor of military spending up to 2% of GDP as stipulated by an agreement between NATO countries in 2014?” the 54% said no. Only the 23% he said he was for the same percentage as those who prefer not to respond. Figures very far from and practically opposite to the figures expressed by the parties in Parliament, almost all in favor of increasing defense spending. And almost all have agreed to send military equipment in recent weeks Kyiv. And instead, according to the EMG survey, the 50% of respondents are against Arms shipments from Italy to Ukrainewith the 34% who are in favor and 16% who do not answer.

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On the economic front, on the other hand, 57 percent are in favor of “cutting off Russian gas supplies, going without electricity and heating for a few hours a day, to send a clear signal of condemnation of the Ukrainian aggressor”. On the other hand, 27 percent are against it Hypothesis, while 16% do not answer So, for 59% of the respondents, among the main fears related to the conflict are the economic consequences. More answers could be given to this question: 48% said they were more afraid a Accident in a nuclear power plant while for 40%, our country’s involvement in the war causes fear. Only 18% mention the massive arrival of refugees as a negative element related to the conflict.

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From Ukraine, Conte after meeting Draghi: “We have different positions on increasing military spending, we will continue to discuss”
