RussiaUkraine war Putins special envoy for climate Anatoly Chubais resigns

RussiaUkraine war, Putin’s special envoy for climate Anatoly Chubais resigns

Anatoly Chubais he resigned from his post as climate special envoy. The news was also confirmed by Tass. university economist Leningradconsidered the architect of the reforms in Russia in the 90s. From November 1994 to January 1996 he held the post of Deputy Prime Minister during the government of Boris Yeltsin. He is the top Russian official who turned his back on Putin (who gave him that post) after military aggression in Ukraine. Bloomberg also reports that the Kremlin spokesman, Dmytro Peskovdeclined to comment.

The former leader of the Liberal Party and former head of the stateowned enterprise for research in advanced technologies Rusnano is 66 years old and one of the few reformers remaining in the Russian presidential government Wladimir Putin. The connection between the two has an ancient history: it was he who offered the current Russian President the first post in the Kremlin. Perhaps that is why he managed to stay in government for more than twenty years than other leading figures of the era Yeltsin were turned down. From now on, he too will fall under what Putin called “traitors or scum”, or those who oppose his decisions. The most recent was the war in Ukraine, which Putin defined as a “military special operation”. Chubais He is already in Turkey and has no intention of returning to Russia, add two wellinformed sources on the RBC website.

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