RussiaUkraine War Russians stole 133 radioactive substances from Chernobyl They

RussiaUkraine War, Russians “stole 133 radioactive substances” from Chernobyl. “They are deadly if not handled professionally”

The theft of “133 highly radioactive substances” from the nuclear power plant Chernobyl during the Russian occupation. This was denounced by the Ukrainian state authority for managing the exclusion zone on Facebook, quoted by the BBC. The substances would be deducted from the research laboratories and could potentially kill the powers of To fly who they manage.

The agency reports that Russian troops had enteredstorage area the research base eco center, they took her away from Chernobyl and “her whereabouts are unknown”. And it is stated that “even a small part of these substances is mortal in case of unprofessional handling”. In a recent interview with the magazine Sciencereported by already on March 30th, Anatoly Nosovsky Director of the Institute for Safety Issues of Nuclear Power Plants (ISPNPP) in Kyiv, he said he was concerned about the possibility that radioactive material stolen from Chernobyl would be used to manufacture socalled “Dirty Bombs” high potential.

In the chaos of the Russian advance, Nosovskyi told Science: marauder they did collapse in a radiation monitoring laboratory in the village of Chernobyl, apparently ran away radioactive isotopes for calibrating instruments and miscible radioactive waste conventional explosives to form the dirty bombs that can spread the contamination over a large area.

Nosovskyi added that ISPNPP has a separate laboratory in Chernobyl with even more dangerous materials: “Powerful sources of gamma radiation and neutrons” used to test the devices, as well as highly radioactive samples of material left over from the fusion ofunit four of the nuclear site. Nosovskyi said he lost contact with the lab, adding that therefore “the fate of these sources is unknown to us”.

The new alarm comes a few hours after the words of Petro KotinHead of the Ukrainian state nuclear operator energy atomafter an inspection in Chernobyl in one of the occupied territories the territory of the socalled Red wood and then abandoned by the Russians around the nuclear power plant from the scene of the accident 1986: Soldiers who dug trenches “have to reckon with it Diseases caused by radiation in different degrees of severity”.