Watch the Colonel fall Tertulio (José de Abreu) will likely be a rewarding moment for viewers Sertão Seaunless that fall is related to a malicious attack Bodo Sabbath (Welder Rodrigues), which also generates serious consequences for Ze Paulino (Sergio Guize). There’s a lot coming in the six o’clock soap opera!
The former mayor of Canta Pedra has never stopped thinking about his usual ambitions and has continued with intense planning while in prison. Once freed, he becomes even thirstier and doesn’t think twice about faking an alliance with Tertúlio, leading the owner of much of the land in the region to believe there is no rest.
Sabá reaches the pinnacle of evil in the six o’clock soap opera. Photo: Reproduction/Globo Sabá reaches the pinnacle of evil in the six o’clock soap opera. Photo: Reproduction / Globo
Later, in a conversation with Nivalda (Titina Medeiros), Sabá bares her claws again and makes clear her intention to sink the Colonel while guaranteeing a multimillion dollar transfer from Zé Paulino to theoretically invest in the city’s hospital.
However, he takes much of José’s money for his own benefit, using the embezzled amount as a resource for his campaign as a candidate for governor of the state. Darker than ever, Sabá will push the edge of absurdity in Mar do Sertão, and even the mighty Tertúlio is about to get really bad.
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