Once again, Gucci surprises the fashion community and, after two months of rumors and speculation, announces the name of the new creative director, Kering, with a note from the group that owns it: the young designer De Sarno Saturday, Neapolitan origin and a past as a pret-a-porter, first at Prada in 2005, then at Dolce & Gabbana and finally at Valentino, where he landed in 2009, holding positions of increasing responsibility until being appointed fashion director of the men’s and women’s Women’s fashion feminine. From Gucci he takes over all product categories (women, men, leather goods, accessories and lifestyle) edwill launch its first collection in Milan on the occasion of Women’s Fashion Week in September 2023.
A well-known name, essentially among professionals, but unknown to the general public. A bit like January 2015, when Kering appointed Alessandro Michele as head of Gucci (he had already been with the company for 13 years) and was chosen by CEO Marco Bizzarri “based on his contemporary vision of the brand”. and after ”a careful and considered selection process”. Also this time the company has focused on a talent with many years of experience in Made in Italy and especially in Prêt-a-Porter, a name that however never made it among the possible choices. In fact, it was November 23, 2022 when Kering announced the departure of Alessandro Michele, leaving the position open. But what will De Sarno’s role be? Certainly redefining house codes, bringing Marco Bizzarri back to CEO and expressing a creative vision of the brand with “desirable” collections under the banner of “modern luxury” but with a keen eye on heritage. The luxury group, which closed 2021 with sales of 17.6 billion euros, seems to expect something like this from him.
“I am certain that thanks to his deep understanding and appreciation of our brand’s unique heritage – stated Bizzarri – he will lead the creative team with a distinctive vision that will help write the next chapter of Gucci and strengthen the brand To strengthen the house’s authority in the field of fashion and to benefit from its undisputed heritage.” The idea is to give value to the history of the brand, founded in Florence in 1921, but to focus on contemporary details. “With Sabato De Sarno as our creative guide, we are confident that the Maison will continue to influence fashion and culture through highly desirable products and collections, contributing a unique and contemporary perspective on modern luxury,” said François-Henri Pinault, President and CEO of Kering De Sarno to fill his new position once he has fulfilled his obligations in his current role a house “with an exceptional history and heritage that over the years has been able to welcome and uphold values in which I believe”. He is “excited and enthusiastic” about contributing to the brand, but now everyone is waiting to find out how his creative vision will write the new chapter of the Gucci Maison.