Saint Eustache police send message to cyclists –

Saint-Eustache police send message to cyclists –

Even if motorists and cyclists coexist not always easily, the Saint-Eustache city police would like to remind users of some basic rules for traveling by bike.

• Also read: A bike ride that turns into a nightmare

“You know the signage is respectable!” we read on the Facebook page of the Montreal North Shore Police Department.

The Saint-Eustache police on Friday named three essential rules that cyclists must observe on the road network.

In its call to order, the municipal administration asks them to stop at a red traffic light or a compulsory stop or to heed the signs.

“The same rules apply to everyone in front of a red traffic light or a compulsory stop. You must bring your bike to a complete stop even when the path is clear. If the traffic light is red, you must wait until the traffic light is green or a pedestrian traffic light allows this before continuing your journey. Be careful, pedestrians always have the right of way. After all, if there’s a sign forbidding you to turn right, you have to obey it,” we say to citizens who travel by bike.

The Saint-Eustache Police invites the public to consult the SAAQ-listed bicycle safety regulations.