Sainte Rose Shots in La Boucan a young man dies

Sainte Rose: Shots in La Boucan, a young man dies Guadeloupe on the 1st Overseas on the 1st

A 24-year-old man was shot at least once this Sunday afternoon in La Boucan, in the municipality of Sainte-Rose. He ultimately succumbed to his injuries. This victim was transported to the CHU by the fire department. After an active search for the shooter, the gendarmerie arrested one person; that's what we're currently hearing.

Two suspects have reportedly been identified and one of them has already been arrested and is currently being questioned in police custody.

The victim of the shots fired in La Boucan this Sunday, January 21, 2024, finally succumbed to his wounds after being taken to the University Hospital (CHU) of Pointe-à-Pitre/Les Abysses.

It should have been a day of celebration in Sainte-Rose. The city is now the venue for the large “Kannaval Lima's” parade.
But some decided otherwise.

It was midday, before the start of this event, a few kilometers from the site of the celebrations, which focus on the city and its immediate surroundings, when the events took place; It was about 1:15 p.m.
The Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) was alerted to a “firearms violation on public roads.”
At the scene of the accident, firefighters found a 24-year-old man on the ground. He was seriously injured and eventually died.

In the afternoon, the gendarmerie helicopter and several land vehicles crossed the area in search of the person who killed a young adult with a firearm today.

The gendarmerie investigation is open for murder.