Salaries and bonuses 2023: Who is fairer between Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft? – 01net

Apple pays its employees less, but offers them a little more. Amazon, in turn, has a policy that forces its employees to constantly vary their compensation. Google would be the most “balanced” about this.

The Blind Forum’s data provides enough information to provide a complete assessment of a company’s compensation, especially American Big Tech companies that compete for the best engineers through aggressive compensation policies, bonuses, company shares and parallel services so that they can become one can provide an excellent quality of life.

But contrary to what you might think, each of these companies thinks differently. Compensation based on experience and position is more or less consistent, fair and subject to change. Every company therefore has advantages and disadvantages.

Compensation: The Differences Between Big Tech in 2023

In a new report on compensation at major tech companies between January 2022 and August 2023, Blind concluded that, similar to Microsoft, Apple pays its employees less well than Meta (the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) and Google. On the other hand, Apple offers “consistent and fair” compensation, according to the platform.

Apple Microsoft Facebook Amazon Compensation 2023 Position Level© Blind

Microsoft would offer a more detailed grid for each job, but the overall compensation would never be better than the competition before one of the highest levels of experience and a place in the hierarchy. We can actually see it in the graphic suggested by Blind that the compensation scale is very compact depending on the position level, with positions having the same compensation.

At Meta, there is a gap between the compensation level of an IC6 position and that of an IC5 position. The difference is so great that there is a gap of $25,000 per year between the lowest salary in IC6 and the highest salary in IC5. For a position at Meta at the IC6 level, the level of responsibility is also higher when managing a team of 20 to 100 people.

For the highest salaries you have to rely on either Meta or Amazon. For the Seattle company, founded in San Francisco by Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, total compensation can reach $850,000 per year. However, at Amazon, Blind explains that compensation can change constantly.

Amazon Apple Facebook Microsoft Remuneration 2023 Experience© Blind

Google is more balanced between consistency, accuracy and compensation level. Blind underscored an interesting point: a lower position can never earn more than a higher position because no level overlaps another. With experience-based compensation, the levels tend to be stacked on top of each other. This reflects faster progress at Google than at Amazon.

The interest of Blind and his data

Less known in France than in the United States, Blind is a platform on which contributors remain anonymous. This allows them to post messages about their company’s direction and strategic decisions and gives employers the opportunity to raise concerns.

Of course, salaries are an important part of the publications, but Blind is also known for shedding light on allegations of sexual harassment at Uber, working conditions at Amazon or even the diversity policy at Google.

Source: Blind