1697785846 Samira Lui left GF after the controversy surrounding the event

Samira Lui left GF after the controversy surrounding the event in Naples on October 29

Big Brother 2023/2024

The contestant eliminated on Big Brother on October 19th is Samira Lui, the same contestant who took center stage in the hours before the episode for the event’s poster in Naples, which seemed to announce her presence for the coming October 29th She wasn’t sure about her elimination yet.

Samira Lui left GF after the controversy surrounding the event

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Big Brother 2023/2024

Whether it’s a coincidence or not, in the end it’s true Samira Lui the one who was eliminated from the Big Brother house in the episode of October 19th. The model, a guest of the reality show in this renewed edition, which features a mix of well-known characters and complete strangers, had to leave the game as she was among the nominated contestants in yesterday’s episode.

She is the one who leaves the game with 15% of the vote, while Valentina remains at 34%, Grecia at 33% and Rosy at 18%. After the news of the elimination, Samira stays in Superled and hugs Giuseppe in tears. But why is his departure so unique? Because according to the announcements on the posters, the former professor of L’Eredità is planned to be a guest at the industry trade fair Tutto Sposi Fiera, which will take place in Naples from October 26th to 29th. The model, as can be seen from the promotional posters, would be expected at the fashion show on October 29th and already on the eve of the Big Brother episode on October 19th there were some among the fans of the reality show who wanted I was wondering how It was possible that the model was not ordered to be removed from the house, which then took place in the following hours.

In response to the rumors about a possible joint solution on the part of the authors and the show given the commitment of Samira Lui, an announcement appeared in the minutes after the publication of our article on the model’s Instagram page, in which it was clearly stated that this The model is only and exclusively the protagonist of the poster of the trade fair event, but his participation is not planned. This is the message that appeared in the stories of the model’s official profile:

Samira Lui is a guest of Tutto Sposi, but is in the Big Brother house

All the news about Samira’s planned elimination to take part in a fashion show is completely false. The brand will show the collection, whose testimonial is Samira.

At this point, it will be interesting to understand whether Samira Lui, once freed from obligations, will actually participate in the Tutto Sposi event or not.