Sample collects the historical connections between Chile and France

Sample collects the historical connections between Chile and France

Santiago de Chile, July 23 (Prensa Latina) The National Maritime Museum of Valparaíso today hosts a temporary exhibition that alludes to the French presence in Chile, after visiting the art galleries of other cities such as Osorno, Valdivia and Concepción.

The exhibition, authored by Marc Turrel and Patrick Puigmal, includes images and stories about the life and work of famous figures from the European country, including soldiers, travelers and explorers; as well as their costumes and paraphernalia.

The space also exhibits historical objects belonging to its collection and, overall, the audience in attendance will appreciate the stamp of the French presence for three centuries and the influence of its culture on Chilean practices, identity, idiosyncrasies and traditions.

According to the museum’s director, Andrés Rodrigo, the city served as a bridge between the French and the rest of the country’s territories; The exhibition details the work and influence of immigrants and descendants, and showcases priceless pieces as used aboard the transport ship Indefatigable in 1855.

The selection includes a traveling trunk used by Admiral Manuel Blanco, Chilean Ministerial Ambassador in Paris, during his stay in France between 1853 and 1856, and the awards of Professor Eugene Chouteau, one of the founders of the Naval School in 1858. .

The compendium also includes the artificial horizon, a navigational instrument of French origin that belonged to Arturo Wilson, an officer in the Chilean Navy at the end of the 19th century, and the National Order of the Legion of Honor awarded to Vice Admiral Luis Gómez Carreno.
