Samuel L. Jackson Reveals Reason for ‘Pulp Fiction’ Allusion in ‘Star Wars’ Props

Samuel L. Jackson is officially considered one of the “bad
matf – – ker.

The 73-year-old Marvel actor received a purple lightsaber from Star Wars creator George Lucas after playing Mace Windu in the Darth Vader prequels. And the color wasn’t the only unique feature of the weapon: the weapons were also engraved with the letters “BMF” or “bad motherf——ker,” a reference to Jackson’s character, Jules Winnfield, in the 1994 action film Pulp. Fiction.”

But during an appearance Wednesday on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Jackson revealed that he didn’t ask for a link to be engraved on his gift.

“They did it because they loved me – I didn’t ask for it,” Jackson explained to host Fallon.

“When the shooting was over, when I was given it, the on-off button was written “BMF,” the Glass actor said about his gift. When the talk show host asked what the three letters meant, Jackson joked, “Bad, my friend.”

In Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino, Jackson’s character has a wallet that says “Bad Motherf——ker.”

Fallon showed the public a photo of the lightsaber, remarking, “That’s what I’m talking about! This is love for Samuel L. Jackson!”

“It was!” Jackson laughed.

The Coach Carter star appeared on The Graham Norton Show in 2013 when he first revealed that his prop for the movie had a swear word written on it.

“I have a real one at home that says ‘bad mother…-ker’ right here,” he said at the time, pulling out a replica of his character’s purple lightsaber.

“I told George [Lucas], “Do you think I can get a purple lightsaber?” he said. “He’s like, ‘lightsabers are green or lightsabers are red.’ And I’m like, ‘Yes, but I want purple.’ I’m like the second worst Jedi in the universe after Yoda.” He’s like, ‘Let me think about it”.

“And when I came back to do the reshoot, he said, ‘I’ll show you something. This has already caused a storm on the network, ”Jackson added. “And he had a purple lightsaber and I was like, ‘Yes!’ “

The Vala actor has appeared in three acclaimed space opera films, including Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999), Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) and Star Wars Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005).