Sanchez Cogedor the Spaniard released after 15 months in prison

Sánchez Cogedor, the Spaniard released after 15 months in prison in Iran, arrives in Madrid

The Spaniard Santiago Sánchez Cogedor, who was arrested in Iran in 2022 while traveling on foot to Qatar for the World Cup, landed in Madrid this Tuesday after being released this Sunday by the Iranian authorities. “I don't believe it, it was very difficult, we don't know how lucky we are to be born in this country,” he explained after arriving at the airport, surrounded by a large number of journalists. After receiving numerous hugs and signs of affection, Cogedor read to the media a diploma given to him by the Iranian prisoners, expressing their affection and appreciation for him.

Celia Cogedor, mother of the Spanish adventurer, thanked this morning the help of the Spanish ambassador to Tehran, Ángel Losada, and said she was sure that her son would not have been able to return home without your work. “Ángel, thank you, you will be one of the people I keep in my heart,” she explained, visibly moved.

Regarding the first words her son said to her after regaining freedom, she explained: “Yesterday he said to me: 'Mom, don't worry, it's over. Do you know the joy I feel when I know I will use this suffering?' “Helping others?'” counted. Celia Cogedor has also explained that after meeting her son, she wanted to go to bed because she felt “exhausted”, but that she prepared his favorite meal, “lots of vegetables” and some fish, because he didn't could .eat it. “We'll see if we can eat and the emotions don't stop us,” he admitted.

Sánchez Cogedor was arrested on October 2, 2022, after visiting the grave of Mahsa Amini in Saqqez, Iranian Kurdistan, the young woman who died in the custody of the moral police for wearing her veil incorrectly, sparking a wave of demonstrations violently repressed, leaving at least 500 people dead and 17 sentenced to death.

[Noticia de última hora. Habrá actualización en breve.]

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