1675056139 Sanchez is looking for a comparison with Feijoo

Sánchez is looking for a comparison with Feijóo

Sanchez is looking for a comparison with Feijoo

The leaders of the two major parties believe the other has been horribly wrong over the past seven days. The reasons for this perception will be communicated this Tuesday in the Senate during the appearance of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez of his own volition, who intends to erase (and has almost managed to) the PP’s argument that Alberto Núñez Feijóo is at a disadvantage compared to him because he is a senator and not a member of parliament. So he won’t stay for Sánchez, encouraging talks between the two in the House of Lords. And Fejióo, whether he likes it or not, will give his all in the fights.

Pedro Sánchez’s delay in changing the law from just yes is yes (which was announced only informally) will be a main line of argument from the leader of the PP, in addition to a different reading of the economic data. The fiasco of Feijóo’s proposal that the list with the most votes should govern, which was rejected by his own barons, along with the confusing and ahistorical statement of which name killed the religion the most in the world today, emboldens the government announce that Feijóo does not He had his best week.

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Both confirm the complexity of coalition government. Pedro Sánchez, in the Government of the Nation; Feijóo, for the autonomous experiences of Castilla y León and Madrid. In the latter, Vox left President Isabel Díaz Ayuso without a budget. Pedro Sánchez will not be heard to disqualify his United We Can partners or deliver harsh messages against them, but he will act when it comes to making political decisions; with or without the consent of the coalition partners. This will be the case with changes to the Sexual Freedom Act, so that in the future (the damage caused can no longer be repaired) there will be no reductions in sentences. Equal Opportunities Minister Irene Montero has already assumed that the unwanted damage will not be repaired unless the executive branch acts.

Sánchez has decided to work hand in hand with Montero to make the necessary changes. With fights but muted so as not to make too much noise. The agreement is already a fact. Irene Montero’s warnings about preserving the core of the law (the woman’s express consent) no longer seem necessary. The socialist part of the government assures that this thesis is also theirs.

The hand of the PP is outstretched: if Unidas Podemos didn’t want to support the changes in the law, their voices are there in parliament. The leader of the PP will confirm the offer in the Senate on Tuesday, which the speaker of the parliament Cuca Gamarra had already launched on Saturday. But it will do so, but not before showing a scandal and throwing insults, disqualifying the delay in recognizing the poor technical bill of such a delicate law.

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Before moving on to this debate on social laws and rights, the popular leader needs to hear the district president talk about the issues that formally justify his presence in the Senate, as he did in Congress last week: the agreements of explaining the last two European Councils to take measures against the consequences of the war in Ukraine. It’s about the economy, with the good data from the EPA and the 8.5% increase in pensions as Pedro Sánchez’s main arguments.

The government will not let go of the lever of economic measures. The interprofessional minimum wage is increased with or without the consent of the CEOE. Once again, the external negotiations – with almost zero chance of success given the increasing distance between the employers and the government – ​​are being conducted in parallel with the internal ones. Second Vice-President Yolanda Díaz and the unions are raising the bar for promotion a little higher than originally proposed by First Vice-President Nadia Calviño, who still does not want to break the agreement with the employers’ association. Without daring to say what the concrete increase in the SMI will look like, the head of government will speak of the continuous increases since the beginning of the legislature. It’s not an affair that Feijóo wants to get involved in.

Where he will fully do it will be the pressure that Sánchez suffers from his partners. Yolanda Díaz’s proposal to unbind Article 135.3 of the Constitution (reformed in 2011 to make the state commit primarily to paying debts) has put the PP on high alert. If the PSOE doesn’t stop the constitutional amendment initiatives from raining down the consent principle to amending Article 49 to name “people with disabilities” who are now called “disabled”, the PP will say they don’t count on them for this change on which there is a principle of consent, but without conclusion. The content of Tuesday’s discussion will advance or include the agenda of the District President’s responses.

The murder of a sacristan and the seriously injured attack on a priest in two churches in Algeciras, which has been investigated as terrorism but whose nature has not yet been clarified, prompted the PP leader to adopt a highly controversial reflection. Catholics haven’t killed in the name of God “for centuries,” but Muslims have. The 20th century and part of the 21st century disputes this claim, which also contradicts the postulates of the Catholic Church. Jihadist barbarism has distanced itself from Europe and is feeding on Africa; in the countries of the Sahel, mostly against Muslims. Feijóo is also calling for an anti-jihad pact meeting and complaining that the president is not calling him. Not to mention this attack or the next delivery of Leopard tanks to Ukraine.

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