1692717624 Sanchez tells the king that he will support the investiture

Sánchez tells the king that he will support the investiture, but he is not opposed to Feijóo trying

The President-in-Office of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, said very clearly this Tuesday, first in front of the King and then in front of the journalists, that he sees no sense in the fact that the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, suffers a failure investiture session, but also that he will not object if the king decides. According to Sánchez, this attempt by Feijóo would be “an exhibition procedure” and not a real investiture debate, which “serves the sole purpose of gathering the necessary support” for the appointment as governor. In any case, Sánchez is already negotiating with the pro-independence parties to win their own support. “I have communicated to the head of state my willingness to take responsibility and achieve the investiture,” said the leader of the Socialist Party, without clarifying whether this decision would be made immediately or, on the contrary, whether he asked the king for more time to negotiate.

“Whatever decision the head of state takes, he has the respect and support of the PSOE. “The PSOE remains faithful to the decisions of the head of state,” stressed Sánchez during his appearance after a meeting with Felipe VI, who is concluding his round of consultations with the political parties this Tuesday. The Socialist secretary-general has very carefully criticized the king’s possible decision to propose Feijóo, handing full responsibility to the PP leader for what he considers absurd – a “waste of time,” he said on Sunday Félix Bolaños. the chief negotiator of the PSOE.

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“It would be a failed investiture. If Feijóo wants to face reality for the third time, he’s right, it’s a choice he has to make. There is only one possible majority. There is no alternative but to re-establish a government of progress that will consolidate progress. The repeal proposal failed, they lost in the elections, their efforts, their contortions to choose an investiture are perfectly legitimate, but they will be useless,” affirmed Sánchez.

The President has told the King that despite the fact that he still does not have sufficient guaranteed support, he is confident that he will achieve this and as proof that he is capable of doing so, he has last Week the vote on the formation of the Congress submitted table in which the socialist candidate Francina Armengol received 178 votes, two more than the absolute majority. “We believe the PSOE is capable of uniting support for the investiture, as demonstrated last week. We offer political and economic stability to meet the challenges of the present.”

King Felipe VI  received Pedro Sánchez during his round of consultations before proposing a candidate for the presidency of the government in La Zarzuela this Tuesday.King Felipe VI received Pedro Sánchez during his round of consultations before proposing a candidate for the presidency of the government in La Zarzuela this Tuesday. Chema Moya (EFE)

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However, in La Moncloa, they consider that in the current circumstances, the most likely scenario is that Sánchez only guarantees the support of the PSOE and Sumar, i.e. 152 votes, compared to a Feijóo who works with PP, Vox, the Canary Coalition, etc .collaborating UPN would have 172 – means the king directs the popular president to try. This scenario would be positive for the government as it would be clear that the PP does not have a majority; and also a negative part: the clock would start ticking and from that moment the PSOE would have only two months to complete the negotiations with the nationalist and pro-independence parties.

The President has also made some references to the limitations of these negotiations. Sánchez is no longer openly closing the door on an amnesty for those involved in the Catalan independence process, as other government officials have previously done publicly and privately. Everything is yet to be negotiated and no one knows how far the agreement will go, but it is becoming increasingly clear that criminal penalties for those involved in the process are consistent with what has already been done on pardons and reform of sedition and sedition offenses embezzlement will be the axis of the negotiations and the key to the vault to reach the investiture.

Sánchez claimed “the normalization and stabilization work carried out by the government in a situation marked by one of the most serious political crises in our history, with legal consequences”, indicating that he believes that the Catalans will take these efforts to the present Having sanctioned point in time, according to polls, it believes it is coherent to continue. “Given the situation in Catalonia and given the results of 28-M and 23-J, it seems obvious that Catalan society is definitely committed to reunification and coexistence. We will maintain continuity with what we have been doing. Dialogue is the method and the Constitution is the framework,” he replied when first asked about the amnesty.

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When journalists insisted on whether an amnesty law, as pro-independence advocates are calling for, would be included in the government’s constitution, Sánchez left the door open. “I insist: dialogue is the method, the constitution is the framework. We must continue on the path of work for living together. It’s not my job to say what’s constitutional or not, that’s what we have the Constitutional Court for.” Until last year, when asked about the amnesty, the government consistently insisted it was unconstitutional. Now that avenue appears to be open, with some legal experts insisting it is constitutional while others claiming it is not.

Sánchez has also claimed to be negotiating with Junts, the party of former President Carles Puigdemont, who has been on the run in Belgium since 2017 and is pending a court case in Spain. “Junts is a seven-seat party whose legitimacy, unlike some, we do not deny,” Sánchez said. “We have a big advantage over the PP: we can talk with all our powers except one.” [en referencia a Vox]and the PP can only talk to this one.”

The letters of investiture are therefore very clear: Sánchez would be willing to be the first to try to start negotiations without a fixed date, but if the king decides to entrust them to Feijóo, he will wait for his moment. And the negotiations will be very complex, but they will hold the key to a solution in the form of reduced sentences for the accused freedom fighters.

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