Sanremo 2023 The reactions of the

Sanremo 2023: The reactions of the excluded

Marcella Bella

Marcella Bella after exclusion

Announcing the 22 big names competing Sanremo Music Festival 2023several names in Italian music have learned that they have been excluded from the competition by the artistic director amadeus. There are those who have chosen to respond in silence and those who have not failed to reveal their state of mind.

Among the first to comment on the exclusion i jaliss, the duo formed by the spouses Fabio Ricci and Alessandra Drusian, who have not had access to the Festival since 1997, the year in which they triumphed with the song Fiumi di Parole. Via Instagram, the singers showed a forgiving attitude:

“26 No, but we won’t stop (…) Good luck to the rich and diverse cast of Sanremo 2023 and good luck to Amadeus. Long live the festival! See you soon with more news!”.

A no, to which Ricci and Drusian also commented at the microphones of the radio show Un Giorno da Pecora, where they also specified that they would also go to the city of flowers as super guests (“Sure, and we would do the whole procedure again in Sanremo Giovani” ) and that they were not contacted by Amadeus to communicate their exclusion:

“Have we been rejected for the 26th time? It can be seen that the lyrics were wrong but the melody was fine, or vice versa. We felt good this year, we thought it was the good thing as there was a lot of talk about our exclusion last year. When they announced Gianluca Grignani and we heard ‘Gia…’ we got a jolt…But there is no problem until 2040, we will keep trying and present our new song next year as well. (…) We wish all the artists present good luck and also him, who made three festivals more beautiful than the others.”

Be that as it may, the Jalisse were able to “console” themselves with the support of. Edward Vianellowho, like you, would have liked to have attended the event:

“Hai Voja, wait. I haven’t been going in 46 years, and straight on!! Long live Paraponzi ponzi po!”.

While Marcella Bella more succinctly (“I’m so happy. There’s more to life”), says the rapper shades confirmed he was banned from his social stories:

“Like many others, I had suggested a song and it’s normal that not everyone can be accepted. It is a great honor for me to have been considered until the end. As always, Amadeus has assembled a great cast, Not being there is no drama, the song will come out anyway. (…) I don’t like the others, but I think I will support Article 21, Rosa Chemical, Lazza and Mr. Rain. I may be a little biased. Just a bit”.

Sabrina Salerno instead, she categorically denied having faced the competition in Sanremo Mietta and spoke of a song they wrote with their friend last summer that they didn’t release because they weren’t entirely convinced of the work done. Among the denials also those of sweetheart k (“I’ve never proposed myself before. Fake News”) e Malika Ajane (“I don’t know that I applied”). Finally, there was also the comment from Paul Vallesi:

“Good luck to those who go, sorry to those who don’t. At this point all deliberation is useless, Amadeus’ freedom and convictions are honorable. In the cast, everyone will have their say, some criticizing, others praising, but on the other hand…”.

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1650562519 129 The island changes again away the teams back to free

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