Sanremo Festival poisonous Amadeus on social media Sgarbi and Morgan

Sanremo Festival, poisonous Amadeus on social media. Sgarbi and Morgan in the viewfinder? The weather

Amadeus against someone. WHO? A mystery for now. The conductor and artistic director of Sanremo wrote a catchy sentence on Instagram. Here it is: “In the silence, even an idiot can appear intelligent. Unfortunately, idiots always want to talk. It is not known who it might be addressed to, but some websites write that it might be addressed to Vittorio Sgarbi and Morgan. In fact, in recent days, the two have delivered effective judgments against Amadeus and his festival, which has conquered everyone by crowding out all musical genres on the Ariston stage. “Tomorrow I will take care of the Sanremo case. Is it possible that Amadeus takes care of Sanremo? He can be moderator but he doesn’t have to choose the songs, what is that? In any case, tomorrow we will start working for you in Sanremo … we will drive away the conductor who has pitched his tents there,” said Sgarbi.

Also read: Sanremo 2024, Amadeus announcement: we will change the regulation

And Morgan considered repeating it: “I think it’s undemocratic for someone to sign on to run Sanremo for five years… I’m not saying that because they don’t have a clue about music, because that’s a fact and it would be.” .” Something that doesn’t even make him sign for a year…but 5?! When he is no longer in Sanremo, we will all be like the people of the Wizard of Oz. Do you remember when the witch died? The witch dies and everyone is convinced the world is collapsing and instead everyone celebrates because the witch is dead because Dorothy wet her and the witch is dead. Sanremo was beautiful, a third of Italy’s GDP was generated that week. But I wouldn’t do it for money, I have no interest in doing Sanremo for money. But now let’s throw him out. Why do we have to throw him out? Because he’s not an artist and that’s the whole point.”