Sanremo Fiorello is on the side of the rich and

Sanremo, Fiorello is on the side of the rich and poor: “They deserve respect.” His swipe at journalists

The 30 songs of Sanremo was previewed by the journalists who will attend the next press room. And it's surprising that everyone, absolutely everyone, has it rejected without appeal the song of the wealth and poorentitled “But Not All Life”. The Corriere even defined them “pathetic”while Il Sole 24 Ore resorted to an adjective very popular among young people, borrowed from the English language: I “shudder”, so embarrassing. But in defense of the historical group Fiorello made the comments this morning during the classic live broadcast of Viva Rai 2. Find all the details here.

Fiorello defends the Ricchi e Poveri song

Damned. I scoffed. Humiliate yourself. The rich and the poor were “sacrificed” on the altar of music through this morning's testimonies prepared by the journalists in the press room after the classic preview hearing. For the Corriere della Sera they would be the “LOL” portion of this issue…There is the desire for a lively Saturday evening, there is the dance floor, but the cash register makes everything creak. Song included. And the “what a mess” More than nostalgia is tenderness”.

And the sentence of Il Sole 24 Ore is no less severe, reminding us: “In Amadeus' Sanremo.” The rear cringe ratio never fails…This time it is expressed by Ricchi e Poveri, who present themselves in a style that should be a contemporary pop: “Even the most beautiful rose withers/Okay, I wait for you, but not all my life.” “Indefensible”. and Oggi are among the few who recognize the merits of the historic group. “A hymn to seizing the moment,” writes the first, while the weekly exclaims: “Surprise the rich and the poor who throw themselves into the dance…”Great self-irony”.

But the band's true defender was Fiorello. The Viva Rai 2 showman emphasized generosity this morning Live appealaddressed to all listeners: “Someone gave Ricchi e Poveri 4. I don't like that. In Sanremo.” Vote for the rich and the poor. I'm taking sides. I read several comments that I didn't like. It takes respect towards those who wrote the history of Italian music. We at Viva Rai 2 are on the side of the rich and the poor, we will say it every day to vote for them.” And fans on the Internet also agree: Long live the rich and the poordown with the hasty judgments of the Sanremo press office.