Santiago de Cuba will be delighted with a wide range

Santiago de Cuba will be delighted with a wide range of offers from French cinema

Audiences in this eastern Cuban city will enjoy a week of French cinema from the 23rd to the 28th, with a wide and varied selection shown at the centrally located Rialto cinema.

Around 14 works will be included in the selection, with documentaries and feature films mostly being made between 2018 and 2021, but three of them in the years 1999, 2013 and 2016.

The documentary “Las Indias galantes” and the drama “Say it Loud and Loud” will open the conference, where the participants of the room will have the opportunity to learn and practice the French language, which has been relatively rooted in the city since its foundation the alliance of this origin.

Personal and family conflicts, life stories and glimpses of reality form the plot of these films, some of which involve Morocco, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Canada, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Germany. A program of activities related to the culture of the European nation will take place in Cuba from June 10th to 4th, with a focus on the creation of female artists and the perspective of a binational perspective on issues of identity and gender.

The second most important city in Cuba, this city appreciates a significant legacy of French culture and joins Havana in these events that also include cooking, dance, theater, visual arts, illustration, photography and literature.