Santoros latest delirium quotWar in Ukraine Biden has to stopquot

Santoro’s latest delirium. "War in Ukraine? Biden has to stop"

As is well known, talk shows aim at one thing above all: to make plays. And so the Orsini work well in service. The information given to the citizen-spectators does not matter much, what interests most is the “fight” that the guests on duty provoke, in other words, the “spectacularization”. Also about the war. On the Piazza Pulita, on La7, another high-profile bickering was broadcast. protagonists Michel Santoro and Paul Mieli. A very heated duel ensued between the two, a lively question-and-answer game in which the conductor Corrado Formigli found it difficult to fit. Or maybe he didn’t want to.

We talked about weapons and Ukraine. At a certain point in the dialogue, Santoro, who had already expressed his views on ultra-pacifist positions in recent weeks (to the point where he almost denied Ukraine’s right to self-defense without ever saying it openly), asked Mieli: ” Do you want more arms shipments or an end to the war? want more gunsMieli replies laconically: “Yes.” And Santoro, satisfied with the expected answer, replies: “Yes? And I don’t know… that’s the fundamental difference between you and me.” “We went to defend Baghdad…”

Mieli takes advantage of this to press his interlocutor: “But why did you say in Baghad?Bush stop‘ and not ‘Bush and Saddam stop‘?” Santoro replies thus: “But it is two armies fighting…an alliance fighting with the men of Ukraine and…”

Mieli insists: “Why did you say Bush stop?”. Santoro replies, “Because it was Bush who had to stop. How the father (of Bush, editor’s note) quit the first time (first Gulf War, editor’s note). Now Biden has to stop“.

In full competitive trance, Santoro sharpens his old-style anti-Americanism and throws it into the caciara: “What happened in Baghdad, who won? And who lost Afghanistan? explain it to me And who will lose in Russia, tell me today … Do you want the guns like they wanted in Baghdad? The result is what will happen, the destruction of Ukraine … “.

To summarize very briefly: Russia has invaded Ukraine and has been bombing it for more than two months. Ukraine is trying to defend itself by all means, asking for help (arms) from Europe and especially from the United States. What is the solution to the war drama for Santoro? Biden, this has got to stop. That means the United States no longer has to help Ukraine. That pacifism of tyrantsthat pacifism of the aggressors, of those who invade other lands and snuff out their lives and hopes. Like 1956 in Budapest, 1968 in Prague… 2022 in Kyiv. We know where Santoro is in the story.