1705866500 Sarah Ferguson was diagnosed with skin cancer months after beating

Sarah Ferguson was diagnosed with skin cancer months after beating breast cancer

Royal family

Published January 21, 2024, 1:52 p.m. ET

Sarah FergusonSarah Ferguson has been diagnosed with cancer again.Getty Images

Sarah Ferguson was diagnosed with skin cancer just six months after undergoing a mastectomy to treat breast cancer.

The Duchess of York, 64, is in “good spirits” despite the “stressful” diagnosis, her spokesman said.

“After being diagnosed with an early form of breast cancer this summer, Sarah, Duchess of York, has now been diagnosed with malignant melanoma,” said the statement, released on Sunday.

The mother of two had several moles removed as part of reconstructive surgery following her mastectomy and were analyzed by dermatologists, revealing that one of the moles was cancerous.

“The Duchess would like to thank the entire medical team who supported her, especially her dermatologist, whose vigilance ensured that the disease was detected in time,” the statement continued.

The Duchess of York has previously beaten breast cancer. Drew Altizer Photography/Shutterstock

“She believes her experience highlights the importance of checking for size, shape, color and texture, as well as the emergence of new moles, which can be a sign of melanoma.

“She is carrying out further investigations to ensure this was caught in the early stages. “Obviously being re-diagnosed so soon after treatment for breast cancer was worrying, but the Duchess remains in good spirits.”

Ferguson, who shares daughters Princess Beatrice, 35, and Princess Eugenie, 33, with disgraced Prince Andrew, announced her breast cancer diagnosis last June.

“[It] “It was worrying but the Duchess remains in good spirits,” her spokesman said on Sunday. sarahferguson15/Instagram

She underwent a mastectomy and recovered from the procedure at the Royal Lodge in Windsor, where she is known to live with her ex, the Duke of York, despite divorcing almost three decades ago.

“She's had a lot of support, her two daughters, Beatrice and Eugenie, are very supportive, as is Andrew,” an insider told Page Six at the time.

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The “Her Heart for a Compass” author later discussed the surgery on her podcast “Tea Talks with the Duchess and Sarah.”

During her many battles with cancer, she leaned on her daughters Beatrice and Eugenie. sarahferguson15/Instagram

“When I look back, I was doing well… I had good legs and good looks, and I didn't like myself, and that was because, I think, I was always being compared to Diana,” she admitted, innuendo to her late sister-in-law, Princess Diana.

She also described the procedure as a moment of “waking up” to “stop the self-hatred.”

“[It took] A body part that needs to be cut off in order to wake up and stop worrying, stop self-hatred, stop self-doubt, stop all of those things. Stop disliking yourself,” she said.

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