1683019036 Sarah Jeanne Labrosse reveals her hair transformation 7 days

Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse reveals her hair transformation – 7 days

Spring inspired Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse to return to the blonde side.

• Also read: Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse opens up the possibility of expanding her family

After Mariana Mazza, Julia Gosselin, And Julie LeBretonit’s Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse’s turn to take a spin on the barber’s chair, inspired by the spring that’s slowly settling in Quebec.

For her part, the actress decided to go blonde again after a few months with a darker mane.

• Also read: Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse reveals what kind of mom she is

Taking to Instagram, little Lawrence’s mother revealed the result of her recent visit to the stars’ hairdresser. David D’Amours.

She first posted a photo taken during the session with the aluminum plates on her head.

Then, hours later, she finally revealed the end result of her makeover with a short video captured in the living room mirror.

For his part, the hairdresser indicated that the appointment will have lasted five hours!

Sarah Jeanne Labrosse reveals her hair transformation 7 days

We love the result and judging by the comments below the post, her followers seem to agree!

SEE ALSO: 38 photos of Quebec stars as children