1687757863 Save me is ashes

“Save me” is ashes

We live determined to be, to transcend, to become more than being and Andy Warhol’s fifteen minutes of glory are no longer enough for the fans, now we always want an epic and immortal life. Social networks propagate the stupidity of transcendence so much that we believe that a tweet with an opinion no one asked us for, a photo of our feet on Insta, or a choreography on TikTok are the passport to the Olympus of a fame whose circle is expanding has increased . it has shrunk so much that it hardly ever serves as a hula hoop.

After millennia of believing that exploring the world is essential to unlocking its mysteries, we have come to the point that the world only interests us in explaining it through our social networks and exploring it with the to photograph the Clarendon filter of our smartphone. False transcendence is a new drug.

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Save me had wanted to live outside of this addiction for 14 years. His insignificance was voluntary and conscious. Militant, if you allow me. And now that the program gets streams of ink flowing, fills minutes at social gatherings, and is a daily trending topic, it’s time to unravel the big secret: “Save me” is nothing. Save me is zero important. save me is ashes

Have you been accompanying millions of people for many years? Well, of course, enough to make him the leader and unbeatable over the years. Will it be remembered for a long time? It seems. It is important? No it is not. It’s irrelevant. And so does Guardiola and Messi’s Barça. Mass entertainment is what it has.

Save me was the most irrelevant show on TV for years. That’s why it was indispensable for many people, because trivial doesn’t mean useless. Just as a little exercise helps balance our sedentary and intoxicated lives, a dash of triviality lets us see what is truly transcendent. There are few important things and we need to be trained to recognize them when they happen. If everything is always important, then nothing is important.

Everyone chooses their own hierarchy of important things: fatherhood, work, family, sex, friendship, having a good conscience, making a mark, surviving… And on TV, entertaining those of us who don’t report, period. And we relieve life for a few hours with the firm conviction that people know what is important: their rights, a fairer society, a decent standard of living, looking to the future without fear, escaping backward steps… Spain It has changed developed to the point that our programs coexist in a grid with other very different programs and people choose what they watch and they also choose what future society they want. But I’d better change the subject, ’cause I’m getting important. And if at any point in Sálvame we made the mistake of thinking we were transcendent, the public eventually punished us for it. And society too, because puppeteers like us shouldn’t think we can mean business.

Save me was inconsequential and rendered the baskets meaningless. The program was never nothing, or rather, it was nothing in itself. It’s something I’ve always known, but I confess today that it’s not even the nothingness it always was.

The presenters and staff of The presenters and staff of “Sálvame” during the last program aired on June 23, 2023.Mediaset

Save me has been around for 14 years, people saw it and then took it off and put it on again the next day and took it off basically because it was there and had been there long enough to be familiar. It was the emergence of television, it was created, consumed, self-destructed and regenerated without leaving a trace. Save me was the meme of the day, session #69 by BZRP, the song of a summer that lasted 14 years. There was no plan, no goal. It never was. There was no desire to coerce, persuade, or indoctrinate anyone. Just to entertain with immateriality.

Save me was the invisibility of the widely visible. Save me didn’t force you to think, it allowed you to enjoy passivity for a while each day, it was the mental gymnastics that repositioned the levels of transcendence. It was consumed without consideration, like the air that keeps us alive. Like the foam of the days. It was pure entertainment. There was no more positive and inconsequential space than Sálvame and that is why the public made this necessary. For for many years, every day brought millions of people that sense of peace that creates emptiness, a family pleasure that many today regret losing. So we can only say: thank you.

And thanks to Mediaset for these years, for them it is the enormous intangible and immortal legacy that the program has left them. It remains an invaluable sociological portrait of leading entertainment. An inexhaustible joke, a soap opera with more episodes than any other, a never-ending reality show that had an ending…or it didn’t.

There are many who have fallen into the trap of the wrong meaning of Sálvame with poisonous criticism. We were the devil and also the god of television creation, but really we were nothing. Our audience knew it and they liked that best. There were people who needed an enemy and thought they found one in Sálvame, but we were the placebo for enmity. They were Quixotes and we were just windmills. It is impossible to fight against nothingness and this has caused a lot of fainting and bad moods among those who wanted to end the program in those years. “Save me” was never meant to be anything more than silly. “It’s just a movie,” as Hitchcock would say.

Swiss writer Robert Walser spent his life trying to be as unimportant as possible until he voluntarily committed himself to a mental institution. All of his work is a hymn to triviality: “The ashes are humility, insignificance, and worthlessness itself.” Can you be more inconsistent, weaker, and insignificant than ashes? (…) Where there is ashes, there is actually nothing. When you put your foot on the ashes, you’ll hardly realize you’ve stepped on anything. But be careful because where there is ashes there was fire and certainly… lots of passion.

Jorge Javier Vázquez, in the first Save me daily in 2009.Jorge Javier Vázquez, in the first Save me daily in 2009.

From time to time an article comes out saying that football dumbs society down to the point where it diverts its attention from the political, economic and social reality that the author believes is what really matters. But the truth is that one of the most valuable human qualities is idiocy, which is a way of saying irrelevance. Football, Sálvame, social networks and even journalism give us the necessary dose of idiocy to make ends meet.

Let’s not forget to be smart, but let’s not forget to be a little idiot either. Those who refuse to admit their idiocy end up wanting to destroy those they call idiots. The emperor, who is clever, ends up parading naked.

Done save me We go somewhere else with nothing, because one of the advantages of nothing is that it weighs very little and can be transported. We will continue to inundate Mediaset with new projects of nothingness and also bring that nothingness to Netflix where we will continue to claim a place of no meaning. Idiocy is our antidote to so much gray and ashes. ‘Cause we’re ashes, but we’ll never be gray.

Are we trying to transcend with this?

Maybe yes.

We do not know.

Oscar Cornejo He is the director of La Fábrica de la Tele and the producer of Sálvame.

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