1684042947 Save Stephen King by awarding him the Nobel Prize

Save Stephen King by awarding him the Nobel Prize

Save Stephen King by awarding him the Nobel Prize

Too bad there is only one Stephen King, because if we put one on every street, I believe horror would only be a literary genre and not a subject of political discussion. Everything about him is so admirable that I resist the enthusiasts who advocate his receiving the Nobel Prize: not only does he not need it (it would be a sort of redemption for the Swedish Academy), but it would improve his image as a man destroy in jeans that will help you start the car. But who knows, because not even Twitter, where even the most beautiful looks ugly, could beat him.

A die-hard tweeter, he has been determined for some time to regulate firearms sales and engages in relentless activism against the priests of Trumpism to do so, but he still has time to pursue a seriéphilic apostolate. He is up to date with all the news and recommends a lot. Netflix and Co. use him as an advertising medium and are already selling some publications with his phrases. The last, The diplomat. “Just great,” he said of her, immediately consecrating her.

At first I found that aspect of him funny. He wrote down his series for me and I was glad I’d already seen the one I just discovered (fuck it Steve!) but it’s starting to evoke a certain sadness in me. If a friend of mine spent her evenings tweeting about the seventh episode of a thriller and trolling old Trump officials, I would ask her if she’s okay and if she needs a chat. We’re talking about the author of It, dammit. With fame hanging out on the sofa with England’s newest policewoman while you poke fun at one of the rifle clubs, it’s almost better that they give you the Nobel Prize. So I’d like to start the campaign to get the grant, to see if he travels to Sweden that way and recommends a Scandinavian noir for a change.

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