
Scarlett Johansson responded sharply to the question of whether she would date teenager Colin Jost

Colin Yost would receive a general “Have a nice summer!” or the dreaded “KIT” if Scarlett Johansson signed his high school yearbook.

The Black Widow star attended The Drew Barrymore Show on Wednesday and gave a very strong response when Barrymore showed her a yearbook photo of her husband as a teenager and asked “Would high schooler ScarJo like high school Colin?”

“Um, I don’t think so, no,” Johansson said almost without hesitation.

But that is not all. Johansson went so far as to compare high school student Yost to her siblings.

“My brother had the same haircut…both of my brothers. I just can’t,” she said, referring to Yost’s mushroom-shaped haircut, a popular ’90s style that looked dreamy on Ryder Strong, Leonardo DiCaprio and other Tiger Beat cover stars, but looked weird on most guys in your algebra class. II.

“Who decided to make this cut a stylish thing?” Johansson continued. “Which hairdresser said, ‘Let’s try this?’

To be honest, Yost seems to understand perfectly well what exactly this photo is embarrassing.

The co-head writer of Saturday Night Live even used it as the punch line to a Weekend Update joke earlier this month, talking about the criticism the HBO series Euphoria has received for its “sexualization” of its teen characters. “It’s just not accurate,” Yost said in the segment, opening up a photo from the yearbook. “I mean take it from me. Nobody has sex in high school.”

However, despite Johansson’s comments about her husband’s awkward scene, she had nothing but lovely things to say about him during the remainder of her interview. Check it out above.