Schmahstad Elon Musk booed for minutes on the comedy stage

Schmahstad: Elon Musk booed for minutes on the comedy stage

American comedian Dave Chapelle brought Elon Musk onstage as a guest at a live concert in San Francisco. However, this changed the mood.

Twitter boss and shit obsessive poster Elon Musk is known to have great comedic talent. He certainly imagined his appearance on a live show by American comedian Dave Chapelle differently.

After Chapelle brought him onstage as a surprise guest, the audience began to hiss and boo for several minutes. Several people in the audience captured the incident on their cell phones.

Musk seemed almost overcome with concentrated dislike. Several times he tried to start an ironic saying, but then he was speechless.

Chapelle at first surprised, then annoyed

Chapelle was also obviously surprised by the amount of booing. At first he tried to joke about it: “Looks like some of the people you fired are in the audience too.” After a few minutes of non-stop booing, the relaxed comedian lost his temper. He looked increasingly irritated and finally taped against the booing pews. “That’s just an observation now, but the boos are all coming from the cheap seats,” Chapelle said.

In the end, however, Chapelle also gave up trying to save the situation. He sat on his stool and smoked as Musk continued lost on stage. “Dave, what can I say?” the Twitter boss asked helplessly. “Don’t say anything,” said Chapelle, “it would only spoil the moment.”

comedian against his own audience

Finally, Chapelle grumbled, The people in the audience could do a lot better with their time than booing. Then the comedian said goodbye and left the stage with Musk exposed.

Some witnesses later reported on social media that Musk was booed for ten minutes. A nearly complete cell phone video of the incident runs just under five minutes. For Chapelle and Musk, it must have been an eternity.