1693285218 Scientific magazine director apologizes for creating website ArtiCulitoscom with stolen

Scientific magazine director apologizes for creating website ArtiCulitos.com with stolen photos of women

Scientific magazine director apologizes for creating website ArtiCulitoscom with stolen

The engineer Tomàs Baiget, 79 years old, Has apologized this Monday for creating the website ArtiCulitos.com, where he uploaded photos of women’s asses, some taken without their consent. “I made the mistake three times of uploading photos of trusted friends taken at home, dressed naturally. None of them could identify themselves, but when I told them it was them one day, they asked me to remove them, I begged their forgiveness and I shut down the site,” Baiget said in a statement after several in Colleagues had complained on social networks. .

Baiget directs the scientific journal Profesional de la información, specialized in libraries and documentation centers, and was the author of the EXIT directory, a tool for networking professionals in the sector. In 2007, the engineer also created the website Culitos.ca, which was transformed into ArtiCulitos.com in 2009 and was presented as “an apparently superficial and banal tribute to that beautiful part of the woman’s body that – depending on one’s point of view and one’s approach – as… for ass, buttocks, pubic bone, vagina, chichi and thousands of variations”.

The engineer acknowledges that two of the librarians who submitted their data and photos to the EXIT directory also ended up on the ArtiCulitos.com website. Baiget himself admitted on his page, giving his first and last name, that “some of the photos were obtained fraudulently, unknowingly and/or without the permission of the owners.” The manager also admitted to posting photos of his colleagues’ asses on the internet. “Although there are several coincidences of people, in principle there is no direct connection – as is logical – between this collection of little asses and the EXIT directory, the purpose of which is clearly different,” he explained on his website, which was deleted in 2009 became .

Baiget now regrets his actions, although he considers himself a victim of a “witch hunt” because “feminists are pursuing a very radical plan,” as he explained to EL PAÍS over the phone. “I’m a superfeminist at home and everywhere,” she says. The engineer claims that most of the photos were stolen from lingerie magazines and the like. “To be honest, I’m ashamed. Now it wouldn’t even occur to me to do such a thing. Society has changed a lot in these 15 years. I’m sorry and I apologize,” emphasizes Baiget, who was previously the manager of information systems projects at the Statistical Institute of Catalonia.

The Board of the Official College of Librarians and Documentarians of Catalonia has published a harsh condemnation statement on Sunday. “We consider this situation to be absolutely inadmissible, since it is a clear case of sexual abuse given the non-consent of the victims,” ​​the authority said. The panel also rated Baiget’s initial reaction as “extremely negative,” who boasted about his performance in the face of the first complaints on social networks. “All this exuberance doesn’t affect me, because I have nothing to be ashamed of You’re welcome,” Baiget tweeted on Sunday. The official school studies sanction her college.

Documentary filmmaker Elena Pastor lit the fuse on Wednesday as outrage grew over the non-consensual kiss of Luis Rubiales, president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, on soccer player Jenni Hermoso. “From what happened at the World Cup, it occurred to me that about 15 years ago there was a website that uploaded photos of the asses of librarians and documentarians that the author met at various conventions.” priest denounced in the social network X, formerly Twitter. “I don’t know if my ass was listed on that site, but he took a picture of me claiming to be doing a job listing. And, like me, all of us who attended these conventions. So it’s easy to be there,” he said.

Baiget asserts that he has never taken non-consensual photos of women at conventions. “It seems to me to be something terrible and absolutely reprehensible. Apart from my friends, there has never been a photo of anyone in this profession on this website,” she says. “I’m a lifelong practicing feminist and I admire women from all angles.” However, librarian Alicia Sellés has another memory. Most of the photos of women’s butts on ArtiCulitos.com, he says, appeared to be carelessly taken and of poor quality. “I don’t know if he made them, but I always remember him with a little digital camera. All the time,” explains Sellés.

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