1683557084 Scientists and experts urge TotalEnergies to abandon its East Africa

Scientists and experts urge TotalEnergies to abandon its East Africa pipeline project

In a forum in “Le Monde”, the collective called on the French company’s shareholders to “vote against the company’s climate strategy”.

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Published on 05.08.2023 13:54

Reading time: 1 min

An action by environmental groups in front of the TotalEnergies headquarters in Paris, March 2, 2022. (ROBIN LETELLIER/SIPA / SIPA)

An action by environmental groups in front of the TotalEnergies headquarters in Paris, March 2, 2022. (ROBIN LETELLIER/SIPA / SIPA)

They are demanding that TotalEnergies give up its pipeline project in East Africa. In a column published in Le Monde on Sunday May 7, a group of 188 scientists and experts, including climatologist Christophe Cassou and paleoclimatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte, denounced a “project to fight climate change”. In line with the latest report from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the recommendations of the International Energy Agency, “if we want to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and only a drastic reduction (. . .) of greenhouse gas emissions (…) would lead to a slowdown in global warming,” say the experts.

However, TotalEnergies is “the international oil company that approved the most new oil and gas projects in 2022,” the collective recalled. Its Eacop pipeline project in Uganda and Tanzania “will emit more than 379 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent over the announced 25 years”, endangering “biodiversity” and “contributing to documented human rights abuses”. They therefore call on “TotalEnergies shareholders to vote against the “word on climate” that the company will propose at its next general meeting on May 26 and to demand that the company abandon Eacop and its other projects. fossils”.

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