Stimulated by Mars and Mercury, the moon speaks in the sign of work, contacts and friendships. Fly thanks to ingenuity and reflexes. Perfect for starting new projects, tackling a demanding course of study and starting with sports. Bull. 21.4. – 20.5. Fluid atmosphere, both for the practical and for the emotional area. You will be willing to share experiences and feelings with people who are different from you. Stay in control of situations by playing a little defense, but the dialogue is spontaneous and genuine. Twins. 21.5. – 21.6. Thursday dedicated to initiative and dynamism. Energy, speed and skill will allow you to complete the tasks on the agenda. Immediate important decisions will pay off. Travel safe from risks. Sporting achievements. Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7 storm clouds on the pro front. A trifle is enough to start a scuffle or convince you to take refuge in your tank. You are wrong if you blame others for your bad mood. Take your steps back and reflect. Lion. 23.7.-23.8. No obstacles stand between dreams and desires. Charisma and charm increase. Success in love with an accommodating and inspiring partner. Always fearlessly trust your own resources. Needs for validation can be satisfied. Virgo. 24/8-22/9 Profession is good, but affection is good too, especially when something new and tender is born with a person in your work environment. Once sanity is restored, you will fulfill your planned commitments and enjoy a wonderful evening. Balance. 23/9-22/10 Nice when you and others work in synergy. A concrete example of how unity breeds strength and conflict is valuable, albeit constructive. To keep the balance, it is optimal to follow the instinct that suggests the wisest solution. Scorpio. 23.10. – 22.11. The daily routine is hectic, but the rewards must not be missing. A responsible position opens up new prospects for your career. Affection and friendship must be nurtured without taking anything for granted. Travel and travel favorites. Protect. 23.11. – 21.12. For a boost, an extra charge, count on the Moon and Mercury. They will encourage strength and courage to continue the initiatives. In an atmosphere of complicity and friendship, sensitive issues can also be raised in the couple. Capricorn. 22.12.-20.1. No negotiations need to be conducted, contracts signed or agreements made. Hurry might play a trick on you. Keep distance. Tolerance. This is necessary towards those who love you. Moderate requirements and instant flare-ups. Aquarium. 21.1.-19.2. You feel serene, serene, excited about everything and you have a lion load. Last minute changes and projects. Pleasant evening with friends. From friendships to business, everything is fast approaching the finish line. A good reason to get active and fight. Fish. 20.2.-20.3. Not a dazzling phase that offers you the opportunity to review your lifestyle habits and study more appropriate solutions to current needs. You should start reaping the fruits of your sowing. Activate to retrieve the balance.