Merry Christmas, Scorpio! I hope you find everything you want under the tree without limiting your dreams. In the meantime, however, I give you a symbolic gift to take with you as the year ends. How about a DISPOSABLE TICKET? Yes, you got it right, a ticket for a trip, for heaven's sake I won't say “without a return trip”, but without too many restrictions. Because you come here with a strong need to switch off and take time for yourself and the people you love. Then there are those who will spend Christmas getting closer to a long-distance love, heading into a 2024 where finding a shared center for long-distance stories will be an absolute priority. And there are those who think about a (sweet) escape, especially if they are in a crisis relationship or in secret. But embarking on a journey of no return also means giving life a different twist…

… clear out all the doubts, concerns and guilt that have been holding us back. For some, the need to make the move to a new home is becoming more and more urgent. Looking forward after a disappointment in love or simply gaining the courage to reveal yourself to a new person. Even work needs their brave decisions or actions, who knows, in this regard, something might not brighten the days around us Wednesday, 27th. You are a sign that often looks back, but for now there should be no doubt: 2024 is ahead of you, and that is where you must go… renewed! Even though Venus is leaving the sign, there are still situations this week that can trigger emotions. The evening of New Year's For example, having fun with friends or attending an event can be the best way to make new acquaintances.

CHRISTMAS: and a little melancholy
New Year’s Eve: Goal “Have fun”.

Give it as a gift too “HOROSCOPE 2024 – THE TURN OF THE YEAR IN 365 DAYS (+1)”