Screaming Teacher A Possible Prosecution Against Ms Chantal

Screaming Teacher: A Possible Prosecution Against “Ms. Chantal”

The Director of Law Enforcement and Law Enforcement (DPCP) dealt with the case of “Mrs. Chantal,” the teacher who was recorded as yelling at her elementary school students.

• Also read: Aggressive teacher: child is said to have been physically abused

• Also read: Screaming teacher: Two reports to the police

• Also read: Teacher yells: Concerned parents rush to school

• Also read: Several colleagues from “Frau Chantal” are absent

The parents of a little boy who came home from school crying decided last spring to put a recorder in his child’s pocket.

The recording obtained by QUB Radio allows us to hear the teacher, nicknamed “Mrs. Chantal”, yelling at the students of her first grade of primary school at the Grands-Vents school in Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lake, the Laurentians.

The parents then filed complaints of assault and intimidation in April.

TVA Nouvelles learned on Tuesday that the police investigation has been completed and that the police have been sending their investigation report to the DPCP in recent days.

The head of law enforcement must now decide whether to face assault and intimidation charges against the ex-teacher, who was suspended after the recording was released.

In particular, with regard to the assault complaint, the DPCP must determine whether the scars on the face of the student whose parents complained were in fact committed by Ms. Chantal.

The DPCP will therefore determine over the next few weeks or even months whether the evidence is sufficient to bring criminal charges.