sector strike FIQ adjusts its salary requirements downwards sector

sector strike: FIQ adjusts its salary requirements downwards | sector strikes in Quebec –

The Quebec Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ) said Sunday that it submitted a counteroffer to the government on Friday that would see a reduction in financial applications.

The union organization, which represents more than 80,000 nurses, nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists and clinical perfusionists, is now calling for pay increases of 20% over four years (up from the previous 24% over three years).

This includes a 6% catch-up for 2022, for the loss of purchasing power and annual increases of 4% in 2023 and 2024, then 3% in 2025 and 2026.

We must remember that the inflation forecast by the government for the life of the collective agreement is 12%.

Added to this is the 3.5 percent bonus, which was canceled without any real justification, the organization adds, affirming that in the end our demands barely reach the cost of living increase.

The FIQ also wants to force the government to move forward on important issues of working conditions. In fact, the government does not want to initiate forced evictions or the introduction of a simple 4 p.m. tariff, the trade union organization mentions on social networks.

However, Jérôme Rousseau, vice president of the organization's executive committee, says he senses no real desire at the negotiating tables from management to reach an agreement before the holidays.

We have been negotiating for over a year. While the pace has increased somewhat in recent weeks, it remains extremely slow on the government's side, he told Radio-Canada.

It took more than 48 hours to agree with the government on a parking clause that already existed in other collective agreements.

The FIQ will also be on strike from December 11th to 14th. However, essential services are provided as this is the healthcare sector.

With information from Gabrielle Proulx