SEF is investigating at least 22 cases of quotinfluencersquot Brazilians

SEF is investigating at least 22 cases of "influencers" Brazilians in Portugal s

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The SEF is investigating at least 22 allegations of facilitation of illegal immigration made via the internet and social media, Expresso reports. The target audience are Brazilians, young people and couples making videos about what it’s like to live and work in Portugal the general content eventually ends up in videos promoting the arrival of illegal immigrants and sharing tricks to enter the country will enter as a tourist and then obtain the necessary documents.

“The SEF investigates cases of facilitation of illegal immigration and association of facilitation of illegal immigration, where suspects use the Internet, namely social networks, and it is not possible to quantify these cases or information about the nationality and professional profile of the suspects to give.” , confirms the Immigration and Border Service (SEF).

In some videos, the protagonists present themselves as building contractors and explain how Brazilian citizens can work in this field in an illegal situation. There are also those promoting an alleged house rental service aimed at Brazilians who enter the country illegally. Some “influencers” also offer consulting services, partnerships with lawyers, lawyers or travel agencies.

The Brazilian Association of Portugal (ABP) says it is monitoring the situation with “concern”. Ricardo Pessôa, president of this association, confirms to Expresso that there are tens or hundreds of Brazilians who, after a few months, publish videos with tips about living in Portugal. “People are influenced by a YouTuber who’s just been here and doesn’t have the capacity to teach yet. Some not only pass on the information, but also offer themselves as intermediaries. I even think that the SEF can and should interview these people. Those who come should seek support from organizations recognized in Portugal,” he warns.