Self service checkout Asking for a tip for a greeting card

Self-service checkout: Asking for a tip for a greeting card triggers a reaction – TVA Nouvelles

An American content creator went viral after he denounced a self-checkout tip request situation in Los Angeles County in early January.

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In a video published on the social network TikTok, the user @livingminnaly denounced, in her opinion, the tipping culture, which is spreading rapidly.

She assures that she has no problem tipping when buying food in restaurants, cafés or even in the hair salon when a service is provided.

“In 2024, I will no longer tip for anything,” she affirms.

Her tirade came after a trip to a retail store where the American bought a greeting card for one of her loved ones.

When she arrives at the self-checkout, she says she was offered a tip before completing the transaction.

“The tipping culture has gotten so out of control that I go into a retail store and buy a greeting card […] I was suggested a 20% tip,” she says.

Here are some reactions in the comments after the excerpt was published:

“I booked a hotel room online and was asked for a tip. Who do I give it to? To the website? It's crazy!”

“I only tip for deliveries, beauty treatments and restaurants.”