Separation Relapse and Despair The Future of Oto and Brisa

Separation, Relapse and Despair: The Future of Oto and Brisa in Travessia

oto (Romulo Estrela) and breeze (Lucy Alves) make an undeniably beautiful couple, but we all know that’s not enough to keep them together. The next chapters of Crossing becomes painful for the public, eventually the Maranhense betrays the hacker’s trust and the two end the relationship. Nevertheless, there is still room for relapses and brilliant exchanges of desperate moments.

Oto is disgusted to discover that Brisa has visited Ari (Chay Suede) to talk about Moretti’s (Rodrigo Lombardi) threats against Tonho (Vicente Alvite). It seems absurd, but at some point the hacker has to put himself in the shoes of the mistress, a mother willing to do anything to protect her son’s integrity, even asking her psychopathic exhusband for help (a silly mistake , but justified).

Breeze and Oto won't be able to stay apart for long.  Photo: Reproduction/Globo
Breeze and Oto won’t be able to stay apart for long. Photo: Reproduction/Globo Brisa and Oto won’t be able to stay apart for long. Photo: Reproduction/Globo

After a painful breakup that includes the return of the engagement ring, Brisa and Oto won’t be able to stay apart for long, not least because the spark of one of the few interesting couples in Glória Perez’s storyline can’t be avoided.

Fire is guaranteed, but so is despair as Brisa and Oto continue to be menaced by Moretti, Ari, Guerra (Humberto Martins) and all the other vile characters in the soap opera (oddly all rich). There is still a lot to come, but stay calm because “Bisoto” will not die.