Serbia is one of the few countries that has chosen

Serbia is one of the few countries that has chosen not to impose economic sanctions on Russia

One of the few countries that has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation for its invasion of Ukraine, is Serbiathe former republic of the former Yugoslavia, which was the protagonist of the Balkan War between 1991 and 2001.

Alexander Vucic, President of Serbia, condemns international double standards Recall that in 1999 Serbia was bombed by 19 NATO countries and now this multinational military organization is supporting Ukraine.

“It costs us a lot not to have imposed sanctions on Russia. But if we were to impose them, we would be violating our policy of not supporting sanctions against anyone because we know from personal experience that sanctions are immoral and inefficient.”. Vucic to Pink TV.

The nation’s president of nearly 7 million thinks so If he said words against Vladimir Putin, he would be considered a hero and everyone would call him the best democrat in the worldThe President also said that banning oil and gas from Russia would mean paralyzing his country, so every day he makes decisions that benefit the citizens of Serbia.

“They say I’m a traitor. a traitor’. The only country in Europe that has not imposed sanctions on Russia, and that from such a small country. Call me what you want, but people showed what they think.was the President’s reaction to the elections in early April, in which he received 58% of the approval and votes of the people.

After the April elections in Serbia, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin stressed that the voting results confirm one wide support of Serbian citizens for Vucic’s policies which “aspires to solving the current socio-economic problems and pursuing an independent foreign policy”.

The Serbian President is also being questioned for not shutting down flights with Russia, the national airline Air Serbia maintains operations between Belgrade, the Serbian capital, and Moscow, the Russian capital.

The President of Serbia is 52 years old and 1.99 meters tall, his maternal family is of Bosnian origin, his father is Serb and he is an economist Serbian Progressive Party SNS.

Alexander Vucic presented a plan to reorganize his country’s economy, and for that he had to carry out “painful” interventions like that Privatization of several companies to attract foreign investment.

The Belgrade-born president is working to get his country included European Union convinced that in this way Serbia can achieve economic prosperity for its inhabitants.