Serbian license plate targeted by attack police lazily watch VIDEO

Serbian license plate targeted by attack police lazily watch (VIDEO)

(PHOTO: Youtube/Screenshot)(PHOTO: Youtube/Screenshot)

On Saturday, the day of remembrance of the victims of the Croatian war and the day of remembrance of the victims of Vukovar and Škabrnja, an incident occurred at around 10 am in Nuštar, at the roundabout. Four young men got out of a vehicle with Vukovar registration and attacked another car with Serbian registration, shouting and kicking it.

Everything happened in the presence of the police and, apparently, the police let the attackers go without talking to them or even denouncing them, as shown in the video.

An eyewitness who recorded the attack reported: “They put their car in front of mine, behind the vehicle with the Serbian license plate. They then began to gesture, honk and drive towards the vehicle to force it to stop. Then I realized that something was wrong, both on Remembrance Day and on Serbian signs. So I turned on my cell phone as a precaution. There you can see them swearing, hitting the car and ripping off the outside mirror. The video also shows that one of them was wearing a black t-shirt with the HOS emblem.”

The police do not respond

The driver of the attacked vehicle with Serbian registration plates, after several blows to the car and apparent attempts to open the doors, accelerated and drove around 50 meters away from the attackers. It remains to be seen whether the attack would have continued if a police vehicle had not randomly appeared on the street. A police officer came out but did not respond to the four young men, but went to the car with Serbian license plates.


Police watched calmly as the attackers walked away. There was another police car nearby. It looks like another police officer got out, but he also just watched the Audi pass the solid line and head back towards Vukovar.

Before the four young people returned to the car, one of them, wearing a HOS t-shirt, insulted the occupants of the other car with “We fucked your Serbian mothers”. The driver who recorded the incident gave a statement at the Vinkovci police station. He was told that the people attacked were students from Serbia who were traveling to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

23 year old young man travels around Europe with a vintage car “Zastava 101”.

“They also told me at the police station that they renounced the accusation and the private process because, as was said, they do not want to appear in court and be exposed to the public. They also told me that the damage to the car was pre-existing. I don’t want to interfere, but between the lines I understand that nothing will come of it and that this report will end up in the drawer. The police car was there, even another police car, two police officers were watching. The attackers got into the car and drove away, and the police stood there watching. Nobody thought that was strange. I told the police officer that it doesn’t matter who I am and what license plates my car has, but it is really shameful to allow someone to be attacked in such a brutal way and not respond,” the eyewitness said.

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