Serena Bortone: "Free because anti fascist"sensational duel with Bernardini de Pace

Serena Bortone quotFree because anti fascistquotsensational duel with Bernardini de

And enough with “fascism and anti-fascism”. No, “I am free because I am an anti-fascist”. The back and forth between the lawyer Annamaria Bernardini de Pace And Serena BortoneHost of “Che will be…”, the Rai3 program showed the episode on Saturday, January 13th. We talk about remembering Acca Larentia in Rome, where a thousand far-right militants showed Roman salutes and shouted “gift.” Scenes that occur every year and with every government, including those on the left, but only with Giorgia Meloni in the Palazzo Chigi they were used as a political weapon against the center-right movement (although the acronyms in the square are far from traditional political parties, such as Brothers of Italy, but that's it). It may be due to the more instrumental controversies, it may be due to the temporal distance from the facts (the demonstration took place on January 7th, like every year, a week ago), but Bernardini de Pace, a guest, blurts out: “ Enough fascists, anti-fascists…” The moderator immediately interrupts her: “No, anti-fascists Why not, no more fascism.”

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The lawyer and family law expert has a different opinion: “There is democracy, we are democratic.” But nothing, emphasizes Bortone: “There is democracy because fascism was defeated, right?” The back and forth continues for a long time, Bernardini de Pace thinks this is exaggerated Media attention per thousand inhabitants of 60 million Italians. The moderator argues that all newspapers have talked about it and therefore it is normal to report the news. The duel continues with the audience highlighting the most successful interventions with applause. The lawyer reiterates that it is wrong to pay attention to these thousands, “there are also murderers…”. “In fact, we unanimously condemn the murderers,” replies the moderator. Bernardini de Pace responds with impeccable reasoning from a legal perspective: “If they do things, if they glorify fascism or glorify the apology of fascism, they too will be condemned; if someone pretends to be a murderer, he will not be convicted if he pretends to be a fascist if there is no fascism cannot be condemned“.

However, the distances seem insurmountable. “I was talking about a sentence that was not criminal but ethical,” explains Bortone. “Everyone is free to judge or not… I’m surprised you’re like that.” free“, then states the lawyer, who defines himself as “anti-nothing”. At this point the presenter praises herself with style La Scala Gallery in Milan: “No, I am an anti-fascist and I am proud. I am free because I am an anti-fascist. The video of the long back and forth has now made the rounds on social media and has divided commentators into supporters.