1701641591 Serge Postigos career in five souvenir photos

Serge Postigo’s career in five souvenir photos

Every week in his weekend notebook, The newspaper presents you with the help of some souvenir photos of remarkable moments in an artist’s career.

Personality of the Year


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In 1999, almost 25 years ago, Serge Postigo, a few years earlier a graduate of the National Theater School, received the Personality of the Year and Best Actor awards at the Métrostar Gala thanks to his François Dion, a colorful figure on Radio-Canada -Series 4 ½, the best friend of the young veterinarian Louis (Robert Brouillette).

Hard worker


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Serge Postigo when he hosted Télé-Québec’s cultural daily “It’s missing in my culture” in 2008. He also played the roles of designer, writer and director. The following year he returned to directing with three shows: “Musicman” by Gregory Charles, “Vu d’ame” by Sylvain Larocque and the play “Boeing-Boeing”.

Tour de force


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Rehearsal of the darkly humorous play “The Secret of Irma Vep” directed by Denise Filiatrault in 2004. Serge and Éric Bernier each played four of the eight characters, men and women, with changing wigs and costumes. They will resume their demanding tasks almost 15 years later with as much success as they do with joy.

movie theater


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On the set of the romantic comedy “Duo” in 2006, in the role of a singer courted by two competing artist agents (Anick Lemay and François Massicotte). The actor has appeared in several films, most notably in the role of Olivier Guimond, the lover of Alys Robi, in the film “My Life in Cinemascope”.

From one challenge to the next


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In 2006, Serge Postigo moderated and also designed and staged the Prix Gémeaux gala. When it comes to beautiful roles, he knows all about it, as he has been nominated for this gala several times and has appeared in around fifteen TV series as well as more than 25 plays and musicals in his career.

  • After performing it almost 400 times in Paris, Serge Postigo will soon present it The producers in Quebec, the most awarded musical in Broadway history. As in Paris, he will play the main character Max and will also adapt the original text by Mel Brooks, translate and direct. This tailor-made version for Quebec audiences brings 24 artists to the stage, including six musicians. From March 28 to April 15, 2024 at the Théâtre Saint-Denis in Montreal and from June 27 to July 14, 2024 at the Théâtre Capitole in Québec. Please refer musicorspectacles.com.
  • The producers, it’s the hilarious story of an unscrupulous Broadway producer dishonestly trying to pad his coffers. The play was adapted for the stage in 2001 from the 1967 film, which won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.
  • Serge Postigo will make several trips back to Montreal/Paris next year as three productions await him there. He is the father of three children, Scarlett, Valentin and Thomas Postigo, son of Marina Orsini, young actress and singer.