1650560338 Sergei Shoigu quotthe video in the Kremlin a montagequot the

Sergei Shoigu, "the video in the Kremlin a montage": the suspicion and the strange detail on the back

Sergei Shoigu quotthe video in the Kremlin a montagequot the

Not even the last video manages to include most of the conspiracy theorists in the states Sergei Shoigu. For some time now, the focus has been on the Russian defense minister: first the rumors of his mysterious disappearance, then those of an unnatural heart attack. In short, just enough to unleash the most diverse theories. Among them is the one who accuses yesterday’s film of being a “photomontage”. For some he sees the video Wladimir Putin headed by Shoigu, who intends to announce the capture of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, is a fake.

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“It’s possible that the video is a montage. In particular, observers noted an unusually arched back and unnatural movements of Putin’s head,” writes Ukrainska Pravda, which posts a link to a clip of the video posted by state news agency Ria Novosti on Telegram. The one-minute, 17-second video shows the two sitting at a small table, facing each other. In the images, the Russian president speaks almost exclusively, hunching his head between his hunched shoulders, while the defense minister just nods.

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A few Shoigu recordings were contested weeks ago. Specifically, the one where the minister linked up with the tsar for a video conference. here The images were a bit blurry, so much so that it was all a fiction. On the other hand, the Kremlin itself has always denied the news of Sergei’s heart attack and health problems.

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